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The bell rings loudly, the sound making the classroom go quiet.

Professor Owlic stops mid sentence, his hand pausing mid letter as he writes on the chalk board. Two seconds go by and nothing happens, then, finally, he exclaims, "Astronomy is over, close your books and leave, I have no further use of you grimy students in my classroom."

I shut my book and stand, waiting a second for Alice to do the same before we exit the room together.

"What class do you have next?" She asks, checking her own list to see if it matches mine.

"Actually, Septimus crossed out my next class, which means-"

"You get to go to the West Wing instead of taking a regular class." Some boy mocks, having overheard our conversation. "I hope you enjoy sipping tea with the Headmaster and chatting with the almighty Septimus about your outing last night."

That earns him a good smack from Alice, who steps up in his face and glares, daring him to say one more word. The boy scampers off.

Alice and I are about to part ways when a group of A Ranks saunters into the hall, Casimir and Jeter splitting away to come over to us.

"Did you hear?" Jeter asks, looking very happy, "The Headmaster officially set the date for the Linkway Ball! C, B, and A Ranks only, plus the Headmaster himself and any alumni of course."

Alice looks absolutely thrilled, smiling from ear to ear and putting her hands on her hips, "Wait till I tell Amaryllis and Zebulon! Not to mention that I'll be the first out of us all to get a date!"

"Says who?!?" Casimir asks, sounding offended, "I think you should let the A Ranks decide who's getting asked out first!"

Alice groans, "As if anyone would go out with you, Muddle Brain."

"Alice! Be nice!" Jeter cuts in, frowning at my friend, "These things shouldn't be competitions anyway."

"Who do you want to go with?" I ask Jeter, never having thought of who he might like.

He bites his lip, thinking a bit before answering, "Amaryllis, most likely. She's so cute and lovely. What about you, Isla, who would you say yes to or ask?"

I shrug, having thought over the subject before but not being able to think of anyone in particular, "I don't know, but I really have to attend, right?"

Casimir nods, "It's common knowledge that most students who don't attend end up on the missing list." He pauses a second before continuing, "Isla, I was wondering if you might want to go with m-"

He stops short, staring wide-eyed at something behind me.

I turn around and smile, watching Septimus coming down the hall toward us. The bell rings right before he flatly says, "You're late."

Jeter jumps at the sound and bows low, "I cry you're pardon, Sir. We got carried away in our conversation, it will not happen again."

Septimus nods, his face still emotionless as he waves my friends off, dismissing them to head for their classes.

After they are gone he takes my hand and starts briskly down the hall in the opposite direction. "I heard some of your conversation." He says, "That A Rank was trying to ask you out."

I blink at him confusedly, "He was?"

   Septimus nods and he looks down at me with a amused expression, "Would you have said yes? I know he thinks of himself as your paramour-"

   "He does?!?"

   "Yes, I think he does, but that's not the point. The point is you can't go with him and you can't go with any other A Rank, or B Rank, or C Rank for that matter."

   I frown, then realize he means that I am to go with him. Which makes sense. He usually wants to keep an eye on me in such public situations.

   "I'll go with you." I say, even if I never had a say in the matter.

   "Good girl, Isla. I already have your dress tailored and ready." He tells me, looking very pleased.

   A few minutes later the two of us reach a large staircase that leads to the West Wing. The stairs are steep, but masterfully crafted, and I keep a tight hold on Septimus as we ascend (I tend to be quite clumsy and often trip).

   The West Wing, unlike the rest of the academy, is kept in perfect order and shape. Everything is spotless and no oil lamp is ever empty. The halls are blissfully quiet and no people accept Septimus and me are around, our steps echoing softly.

   We enter a side door into a small and cozy library filled with books, three soft chairs, a coffee table, and more books. The Headmaster occupies one of the chairs, holding a book with one hand and a teacup in the other.

   When he hears us enter he looks up and smiles, gesturing to the empty seats. He has perfectly combed grey hair with the same tan skin tone as his grandson. He has few wrinkles and a pointed nose upon which a pair of golden spectacles sit. He was once very handsome and age has diminished that very little.

   "Thank you for coming, Miss Adlhold, I have some very important matters to discuss with you."

   I nod, taking my seat and smiling back. I notice that Septimus, instead of sitting, stands right next to my chair and holds my hand firmly, though I decide to think nothing of it.

   "I have a job for you, which is why you will attend the Linkway Ball with my grandson. It's a simple task that is somehow also complex, which is why I thought you would be the perfect person to carry it out."

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