1: dumbass movies

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I woke to my father yelling for me.

"Butters! Breakfast is ready!" My dad calls out. My name isn't really butters, it's actually leapold, but no one seems to care, but I don't mind. I changed into my school clothes and then made my way downstairs.

"Now Butters, you're 3 minutes late for breakfast, you know what that means?" My dad asked while he placed his hands on his hips.

"Oh boy, does that mean I'm grounded?" I asked while fidgeting with my hands. My dad nodded while pointing to my chair. I quietly sat on my chair. My parents seem to enjoy grounding me if I make a little mistake, especially my dad. This makes me extra cautious on what I'm doing.

My mom slowly slips a plate of pancakes and eggs in front of me.

"Oh boy mom, this looks beautiful!" I state while digging into my plate.

"Why thank you butters." My mom said while turning off the stove.

"By the way butters, your mom and I are going out tonight so keep the house clean and don't open the door for strangers." My dad told me. I nodded my head while taking a bite of one of my pancakes.

My alarm then went off. I had 5 more minutes to get ready. I hurried the food in my mouth and put my dish in the sink. I slipped my rain boots on and my raincoat. I ran back upstairs to grab my backpack and my umbrella.

"Oh, well by mom and dad!" I said while leaving. I had to leave home early everyday so I could walk with Kenny McCormick. I threw the hood of my coat over my head and opened my umbrella while running to Kenny's house. When I finally got there, Kenny and his little sister, Karen, were waiting for me. I put the umbrella over Karen's head since she didn't have a coat. I talked with Kenny on the way to the bus stop.

Actually, Kenny goes to a farther bus stop with him, Stan marsh, Kyle Brovloski, and Eric Cartman.

Karen and I wait at the more crowded one. Today, barely anyone was there. It didn't rain a lot in South park so people were probably staying home. Craig Tucker and his boyfriend, Tweek Tweak were there. So was Clyde donovan. Their other friends, Jimmy Valmer and Toilken Black would be dropped of at school by car.

I still had my umbrella over Karen's head. When the bus came we entered I was the last one like always because I'm to shy to push, even though I've known these people for most of my life.

"Thanks Butters!" Karen said while sitting in the front of the bus.

The bus doors closed and then the bus started moving again. The next stop was where Kenny and his friends were. Kenny sat with his sister, Kyle and Stan sat together so that meant that I was stuck with Cartman.

"Those two are so gay." Cartman said, talking about Kyle and Stan.

"Shut up fatboy!" Kyle yelled.

"Ey! I'm not fat! I'm big boned!" Cartman shot back. I took out two apples from my lunchbox. I tapped Kenny on the shoulder. He turned his head.

"Here Kenny! One for you and Karen!" I said while handing my apples to him.

*Thank you Butters!* Kenny said in a muffled voice. I nodded.

"Aw, are you guys going to make out now?" Cartman asked Kenny. Kenny flipped him off.

Once we got off the bus Kenny, Karen, and I walked in together. The hallways are separated by grade.

"I'll see you at recess?" Karen asked.

*I'll be at the marry go round!* Kenny muffled. We were then separated from Karen. I looked over at Kenny.

"Kenny! Your parker is ripped!" I pointed out.

*No big deal, I'll tape it together later!* Kenny managed to say.

When we walked into class Kyle and Cartman were already having a debate.

"Some black people can still swim fatass!" Kyle yelled.

"Nuh uh!" Cartman said while wagging his finger left to right. Kyle then launched at Cartman. They were both sent to the counselors office. The bell then rung.

"Okay kids, get into your seats." Mr.Garrison said while walking in with a stack of books. Everyone quickly became quiet.

"So because you guys have been doing...decent in here I'll have you guys read 'Blood is the sky' reminder, i pared good money for these books so don't waste them." Mr.Garrison said while sliding a book on everyone's desk.

"Timmy, you're gonna leave to the special room in a while just wait." Mr.Garrison said.


"That's right, you are in fact Timmy!" Mr.Garrison said. I looked over at Kenny, who was trying to concentrate but kept getting distracted. I looked over to Mr.Garrison, who was grading papers. Then, Cartman and Kyle walked into the class. The two were arguing still.

"You two, there's a new book on your desk, get to reading." Mr.Garrison told the two kids. Cartman groaned. Cartman and Kyle both had a red slip, that meant they had detention.

Later on///

During lunch I sat at the usual table. Stan's gang and Craig's gang.

"So about your detention?" Craig said while smirking at Cartman.

"Shut up homo! Tomorrow I'm going to share a presentation on how all black people cannot swim, to the entire class!" Cartman said as he picked at the lettuce on his burger.

"If you do that I'll beat the shit out of you, really, you won't need to shit anymore!" Toilken told Cartman. The obese kid then rolled his eyes. I looked at the clock


I closed my eyes and wished to control time. That's cool, right? I crossed both my fingers while doing so.

"Butters, what the hell are you doing?" Cartman asked.

"Oh, well it's 11:11 so I made a wish!" I claim innocently. The table then bursts into laughter. When, everyone but Kenny.

"Oh, well what's wrong fellas?" I asked.

"B-Butters, those things aren't tr-tr-true, only is d-dumbass movies!" Jimmy said. My eyes widend. I felt so embarrassed. I ran to the bathroom, not wanting to get out.

Word count bc im gay: 1044

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