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• Jennie- Hey Rosie
• Rosé-Oh Jen.Come
• Jennie-How are you?
• Rosé- I'm fine now.Oh I'm sorry i wouldn't attend your engagement.
• Jennie- It's okay.It wasn't even serious for me
• Rosé-The engagement?
• Jennie-Yes
• Rosé-But Jen..Taehyung seemed quite serious about you.
• Jennie-But i still don't have the heart to fulfil his love
• Rosé-You should try to be good with him.
• Jennie-Btw i didn't tell you about the engagement so how did you know.
• Rosé- Taehyung came by and also gave me your wedding card.He wanted me to join so that you would be happy.But he also assured that it won't force me.
• Jennie-Oh he did.Nice then.
• Rosé-Yeah.
• Jennie-So are you coming tomorrow?
• Rosé-Yes
• Jennie- Tomorrow i have decided to make him angry so he won't be spending the night with me.
• Rosé- Are you on "mission annoying Taehyung"?
• Jennie-Yes!
• Rosé- Don't even think of doing it.Because no matter what you'll do, he is not going to leave you.As much as i have seen him,man is hella serious about you.You might stop him once but once he loses his temper he will eat you alive so don't do anything.
• Jennie- Nah!still, imma stick to my plan.
• Rosé- what are you gonna do?
• Jennie-Suspense.
• Rosé-Haha Jen

I tried to make her happy so that she could stop thinking about Jimin.She is sad i can see but she is hiding it.And i don't want to talk about Jimin now to make her more sadder.We talked for 4Hours straight.Then i left with Taehyung's driver.

Just a second before entering my house.A girl stopped me.She was beautiful.Red wine coloured hair, Brown eyes,pale skin, Hourglass figure,Tall,Has both the feminine and masculine structure."Hey bitch!" she shouted. I was shocked.As soon as i turned,she holded my arm. " So you are that bitch that is destroying my love life?What the fuck is there in you even?" She shouted."I'm sorry i don't know who you are but please mind you language"I told then got away from her grip.
- No need to play a good girl,you bitch.
- Who are you?
- Han So hee
- And what did i do to you?
- You stole my love,My fiancé
- Who is your love?
- Taehyung.Kim Taehyung.
- Sorry miss.But if you're his fiance then talk to him instead of annoying the shit out me.
- First i should get rid of the bitch that came inside.
- First of all, i have a name.So stop calling me that.
- But a bitch will be a bitch always.
Then she pulled my hair tightly.It hurted so much that my eyes were filled with tears.It made me think of him.My dad also used to hit me like that.Every time he saw me,i used to get beaten.But only once i was saved and that also was saved by Taehyung.
I can't let this women hit me.I am bit that weak.As soon as she pulled my hair again.I couldn't stop myself and i slap her hard and pulled her hair even tighter.Then someone shouted "Stop!" .It was Taehyung.

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