■Sick■ BxV

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Warnings: Swearing

Summary: Bruce doesn't show up to school, and Vance wonders why. Vance finds him sick and takes care of him.

"What's up your ass?" Robin asked, taking a bite of his taco. Vance glared at him. "He wishes Bruce was." Gwenny smirked.

Vance turned a light red. "Where is Bruce?" Finney raised a brow. "He texted the group chat that he's sick?"

"Oh. Is he okay?" Vance asked. "Just text him." Griffin said. Vance rolled his eyes. "I'm grounded shit head."

"You still get grounded?" Donna questioned. "You guys dont..?" Everyone shook their head no.

"I'm going to go check up on him." Vance mumbled, leaving the lunch table and rushing out the building.

He quickly rushed over to Bruce's place. He knocked on the door. "Come in!" A female voice said.

"Hi Mrs. Yamada. I just heard Bruce was sick and I wanted to check on him." He explained. "That's so sweet,dear. You know where his room is."

Vance nodded,"Thank you!" Vance then rushed upstairs and knocked on Bruce's door. Bruce groaned in response.

Vance slowly opened the door," How are you feeling,babe?" Bruce looked up at him," I thought you were grounded."

"I am. Finney told me. So, how do you feel?" Bruce shook his head. "Pretty crappy."

"I'm sorry. What hurts?" Vance asked the boy. "My head,stomach,and throat." Vance frowned. "Have you taken any medicine yet?" Vance asked, touching his boyfriends forehead.

"Yea, that nasty grape stuff." Bruce replied. "Okay. Just get some rest, and I'll bring you some soup."

"Ooh! Will you make that good stuff that your grandma used to make?" Bruce asked. Vance nodded. "Sure, babe."

Vance headed downstairs into the kitchen and got the ingredients. "How's he feeling,dear?"

"He still feels ill. I was just about to make him some soup. If that's okay." Vance explained. "Oh no, that's perfectly fine. I'm off to have lunch with some friends, though. Please call if you need anything."

Vance nodded and got to work. Once he finally finished, he headed upstairs. The soup bowl on a red tray.

"Here you go." Vance said, handing the tray to Bruce. "Thank you, love." Vance layed in bed next to Bruce. Looking up at him.

Bruce began to eat the soup. "Why are you staring?" Vance looked away. "Cuz your pretty." He mumbled.

Bruce smiled. "Mind saying that louder." Vance rolled his eyes," Oh shut the fuck up."

Bruce pretend to pout. He faced away from Vance. "You know I was just joking." Vance muttered.

Bruce rolled back over. "Mhm."

>an hour later<

"What are you thinking about?" Bruce asked Vance, and Vance just stared off. "Can i give you a kiss?"

"But I'm sick." Bruce sighed. "I could give less of a fuck." Bruce rolled his eyes and gave his lover a quick kiss.

"I swear to God if you get me sick." Vance mumbled. "You asked for a kiss!" Bruce argued.

<1am> (sorry for all the time skips)

Bruce woke up immediately rushing to the bathroom. Puking up everything he had Aten earlier.

Vance groaned. The bathroom light coming into Bruce's room. He got up after realizing where he was.

"Oh babe. Are you okay?" Bruce sighed and nodded. "I feel gross." Vance opened the cabinet,"I bet. Let's get some more medicine in your system."

Vance handed him the cup with the nasty ass liquid in it. Bruce quickly drank it.

"Can I have kisses and cuddles now?" Bruce asked. "If you brush your nasty ass puke teeth." Vance responded patting Bruce's back.

Bruce sighed and brushed his teeth. Then he got into bed his arms around Vances waist.

Yall I lost motivation towards the end. Sorry I still hope you enjoyed.

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