Chapter 9

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Lucas P. O. V.

After School was  over ,  I have to take her to that clinic, so I told the boys I will join them later.. I thought we can go straight away but she is being dilly dally..

"sia.. If You don't wanna go then just don't" I said and she nodded a no as she hurriedly put on the helmet

" sorry. Let's  go" she said and we reached the  clinic.   isn't this the one they show in a TV program...?!! As expected of rich people. She is getting treated   here huh..?!

" lucas this way." she mumbled as we slowly walked across the lobby in fifth floor.

" oh miss Athanasia..!! Welcome..! Please wait for a while... The doctor  is busy right now" a nurse said and we walked to the small garden on the sides

" you really don't like counselling huh ..?" I asked and she nodded a yes

" during counselling, he tries to make me remember  the past and because of that I get nightmares and.. Sometimes I am scared..i came to counselling for more than thirty times now.. I do remembered many times .. But I still can't used to this..

So I am scared of getting the memories Back... I am not sure why dad wants me to regain memories and even rushing it. So I am trying my best for dad .  " she said

Hmm... That's just like her, pushing  herself for others.

" and...

She continued after a short  break looking down her hands clenching her skirt.

"and..?" I asked and she slowly looked up.. She looks perplexed.

"I don't know if it's right to say this so I didn't told anyone even lily..i am saying this only to  lucas." she mumbled in a low voice

"OK... what is it.?" I mumbled back leaning closer.

"sometimes.. I am scared of oppa.." she mumbled looking down

" huh.? who is that oppa.?" I asked.. What..? Oppa ..? who is he..?

"  the psychologist who is giving me counselling.. His name is Euryale.. His father, uncle dexter owns this hospital.. He is dad's business friend.. So  Euryale oppa told  Dad That He will give me counselling " she said

" Euryale  oppa..?  Did you really have to call him oppa..? " I blurted out

" that..he told me to call him like that"she said

" whatever.. So why are you scared of him..?" I asked and she looked around before leaning even closer.. Her rose perfume is filling my nostrils..

"that..i don't know why, but I feel uncomfortable during counselling... He said we used to play  when we were kids and he is like big brother to me and we were pretty close.. But I don't feel like it.. Even though I don't remember things... I can feel something when I see people from past.. But I don't  feel anything around him... But he kept telling me that and  trying to be close to me so I...

She hesitated looking down fidgeting her fingers..

"I don't know.. I must be over thinking right..? Sometimes I really don't know what to say or what to do.?" she said looking sad.. I feel something weird in my heart..

"don't make this face.. If you don't know something, just tell me OK..? I will find that answer for you" I said and she  looked up at me smiling..

Yeah just smile like this always... Don't you dare show that sad puppy face it's pissing  me off..

" hmm.. OK.. thanks lucas." she said leaning further and hugged my arm  leaning her head on my shoulder..

"I told you not to thank me.." I mumbled and she smiled sheepishly.. Jeez.. This girl..

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