ChApTeR oNe: Toffee Flavored Tears (Zoë POV)

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"Wylie Zoran Endal!" My annoyed voice rings through the halls of Solreef.

The man in question saunters halfway down the stairs with an air of smugness. I glare at him as he raises an eyebrow.

"What did you do to the batch of custard bursts I just made?!" I glower. They were a new recipe I was trying out, custard bursts infused with mallowmelt. And I was itching to try them. But of course...

My brother's blue eyes twinkle mischievously. While it was refreshing to finally see him show some emotion, since he's always been so closed off after Mama died, it was still irritating. He shrugs, flashing a lopsided grin. "I have no idea what happened to them." He says plainly before making his way down.

I punch his arm playfully and raise an eyebrow. "Sure, sure. Now, I'm about to head over to the Ruewen's so I expect you to be on your best behavior."

"Yes mom." He rolls his eyes. It was meant to be a joke, but the quip still left a heavy mood in the room. Our mother had died when we were both young, and in her place, Tiergan, our father's best friend adopted us. Maybe it was just the absence of a motherly presence, but I ended up taking care of both of them.

I reach out and squeeze Wylie's hand, and smile reassuringly before heading to the door, waving over my shoulder. Solreef was located in what was known as South Africa. It was hot, very hot, but I wouldn't be outside for long. Pulling out my leaping crystal, I step into the light, feeling the inertia in my core before materializing outside the pastures of Havenfield.

"Uff-! Calm down Margarita!" I hear from the enclosures.

I snort, as I recognize the voice. Racing over, my eyes fall upon an interesting sight. There covered in carnissa root stood Grady, as he wrestled with a riled up manticore.

I blink, my brain refusing to react before my hands instinctively thrust out. I feel the power surge through my veins, pulsing from my core as it reached my fingertips.

The earth beneath Grady and the manticore, whose name was apparently Margarita, started to tremble as chains of solid rock form around the creature's form, allowing Grady to slip away.

He jogs over to my side, out of breath and his blond hair tousled.

"Hey...Zoë..." he says in between pants. "Thanks kiddo." He smiles softly.

I swipe off the bead of sweat that started to roll down my forehead and nod, grinning. "My pleasure Mr. Ruewen."

Grady ruffles his hair and snorts at the title. "Zoë, I've known you since you were two. In fact, you probably put up more of a fight when ur came to food more than Margarita over there. You can just call me Grady."

I crack a giggle at that. "I wasn't that picky. And who names a manticore Margarita?"

He shrugs and motions for me to follow him as he made his way inside. "It's a human thing apparently. Edaline thought it was fitting. Speaking of which, she's working on a batch of ripplefluffs. Want to help me finish them off?" He smirks, a mischievous glint in his eye.

I nod eagerly as I follow him inside, the smell of toffee wafting through the air. I follow Grady into the kitchen, expecting to see Edaline there, but the room was empty. Then I hear a crash coming from upstairs and Grady turns ghostly white.

"Stay here." Is all I hear before he dashes up the stairs.

My stomach twists in anguish. Grief can do immeasurable things to elves. After all, Grady and Edaline only recently lost their daughter Jolie. Before they lost her though, they used to babysit me before I was old enough to enroll into Foxfire. Jolie was like a sister to me. And she was even more to Grady and Edaline.

Soon, I hear faint sobbing coming from the floor above. Tears prick my eyes. Edaline's crying could be heard from here, a delicate sound, but one filled to the brim with sorrow and despair.

Ding! The oven's finishing tone resounded through the halls of Havenfield, and Edaline's crying stopped. Quickly, I lifted the tray out with my telekinesis, setting it on the table and quietly calling out.

"Mr. Rue- I mean Grady...? I'm going to head home. Wylie just hailed and said he's going to start dinner and I'm worried he's going to burn the house down."

I don't wait for a response before I turn and walk out the door.

Away from the tears. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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