Chapter 1 ~ Changes

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It was a sunny day outside and Lucy walked into the guild with a smile on her face

"Ohayo Minna!" she shouted. Everyone smiled and greeted her back.

She walked over to her usual spot at the bar

"Can I have a strawberry milkshake please Mira?"

A few minutes later, Mira bought over the milkshake.

"Woah Lucy when did you get your hair done?"

Lucy looked over her shoulder to see that her hair was now down to her waist and it had pink ends.

"What the fu-"

"You Luce!" hollered Natsu walking in to the guild with a blue exceed hovering over his head. He immediately ran over to Lucy and asked her if she wanted to go on a job with the team.

Well, she had nothing better to do....

Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy and Happy gathered up and went over to the request board.

Lucy found one that read:

Please Help us.

Monster attacking our town, Taia

Reward - 100,000 J

"Guys how about this one?"

"Sounds good" replied Gray smirking at Lucy.

"Well I think it sounds great" said Natsu shooting an evil stare at Gray

"They liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike her ~ " said the blue neko.

"HAPPY!" shouted an annoyed Lucy, Natsu and Gray

*Time Skip to the town*

Team Natsu walked through the torn up town named Taia to see fires and demolished houses everywhere. Several people laued dead or injured on the cold hard ground (A/N Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground OHHH~ sorry gotta love TayTay. Back to the story).

A loud roar came from the forest.

"My bet is that the monster is over there" stated Gray, pointing at the forest

"No shit sherlock" said Natsu bluntly

"You wanna go Flamebrain?"

"Bring it Elsa"

"Boys, getting along nicely are we?" questioned Erza raising an eyebrow.

"Aye!" replied the two frenemies doing their best friend act.

Ohayo Minna!

Soooo I hope you enjoyed the first chapter

I will try and update as soon as possible

Vote will ya?


Love ya



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