chapter one

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nova's pov;

I had just finished another solo concert when my phone rang. The ID caller read 't'.

"Hey! I heard you just finished another concert, how are you?"

"T, hi! I'm doing great, the concert was a success. How are you doing?"

"I'm good, the guys are too. We miss you so much!"

"Aw, I miss you guys too! Just a few more concerts and we'll see eachother again."

"Is that nova? Hi, baby!"

"Hi, Z!"

"Look at you, gorgeous as ever. Did you- Guys, T and Z are hogging Nova on the phone!"

I laugh as all the boys crowd around T's phone. Tae Young snatched the phone and ran, jumping over things as the boys screamed at him. He entered a room and locked the door before turning back to the phone.

"How's my star doing? I miss you so much!"

"I'm doing amazing, missing you horribly, dove."

"Tae! Open this door. I want my phone back."

"I want to talk to Nova too, asshat!"

"How about we let her get some rest? I bet she's tired after her concert."

They began arguing in the background and all I could do was groan.

"Boys, boys. How about I go to bed and we'll talk first thing in the morning?" I suggest, watching as Tae Young opened the door and showed the others the phone.

They all whined and complained, but said goodbye either way.

"We'll talk to you tomorrow, darling!"

I chuckled as Tae cuts the phone. I prep myself for bed and drift off into a dreamless sleep.


"Hey, everyone!" I greeted into the microphone, watching as all the fans squeal and jump.

"Are you ready?"

The crowd screamed louder, jumping closer to the stage. The music began to play in the speakers and I sang my first song. Song after song, the crowd was still bustling with excitement. Finally it was the end and I had to bid the people goodbye.

The fans yelled as you exit stage, and made way to your dressing room. My security followed me, positioning themselves outside your door.

After everything, I made your way outside, ready to keep moving. Fans stopped me along the way for autographs and pictures. In the limousine, my manager congratulated you.

"Just two more days and this tour is over officially. Two more locations and I'm free for a small break!" She announced, giggling at the end.

"I too cannot wait for this all to be over, but I will miss my fans and the thrill of being on a stage." I spoke, plopping my chin on my palm as I leaned against the window.

"But that will be alright, you'll be too busy smooching with your babes to notice."

I gasp, "Janice!"

"What? I'm not wrong and you know it." She shrugs, going back to her phone.

I roll my eyes and open my own phone. I had multiple notifications from messaging apps and social media. I open up Instagram and the first thing I see are Robaire's posts.

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