chapter four

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Nova's hands travel down to Tae's waist, resting on his hips. He whined against her lips, melting completely under her touch. His mind was in deep euphoria. Tae dreamed of being below Nova since she left for your. The others tried to cheer him up, but nobody does it like Nova does. She knows all his good spots and just how to turn him into mush.

"Please, more." He begged, itching for her to go further.

She open her legs and straddle his lap, sitting him down against his bed. His hands eagerly explored her body, grasping and holding onto any part that he could. He remembers every curve, every dip in her figure.

Tae's moans were muffled by their passionate kiss, eyes closed and mind stuck in the moment.

Nova slowly moves herself, grinding her hips against his.

That's when Tae Young absolutely looses it.

As her lips part, he begs.

He fiddles with the hem of Nova's shirt as he looks up at her with half lidded eyes.

"Speak with your words, baby. What do you want me to do?" She asks him, combing his soft hair.

He sighs softly, propping his face in-between her neck, "Like last time, i want it to be good like last time."

Tae remembers all too well how much of a mess she left him in. She ruined him in a way no one else could, in a way that kept him on cloud nine for days. She left him absolutely disheveled. And he loved her so much for it.

Nova's left hand creeped onto his thigh, slowly inching closer and closer to his aching manhood. His grip on her hip tights slightly as Nova's hand slips lower.

"I'll go slow for you." Her hand leaves his thigh.

Although it may seem like she was teasing him, she wasn't. Just the smallest touch sent him in a frenzy. Tae was so ready for Nova, ready to be at her command, ready to be used. It was his greatest weakness.

She showers his face with wet sloppy kisses, occasionally giving him small love bites in places necessary. The kisses lined from his cheek to his jaw, and then finally lowering to his neck. She teases him a bit, feeling him squirm beneath her as she messed around his sweet spot.

After Nova was content with all the marks and lipstick stains she left in her wake, she kissed his lips. Nova allowed Tae to take over, to which she received a long, sweet kiss.

Nova adores Tae Young's gentle touch and his kind heart. She admires his understanding and his ability to accept. He was her Achilles heel, for he had dug himself a hole in her damaged heart.

Once Tae is content with what he accomplished, they part.

Nova raises her shirt slowly, giving Tae time to decide on his next move. His mind was often clouded with ecstasy, and his movements became sluggish. Once she saw that he was ready, she tugged her shirt off and discarding it on the floor.

Tae admired her body, even if she still had 4/5 of her clothes on. One thing he loved was her boobs. Just like Aaron Z, he is a big boobs guy. (You could include Jesse too, he loves to give them a squish.)

He might be shy with it sometimes, but he's always got his mind on it.

Nova takes his hands, rubbing circles on the back of his palm. She directs them to her breasts where Tae could feel them through her bra. She bites her bottom lip as she feels Tae slowly rub his thumb over her covered nipple. He relishes in the fact that he got that kind of reaction out of her.

Nova groans in pleasure as Tae squishes her breasts. She reaches her hands back and unhooks her bra, letting it fall. Tae whimpers in excitement.

Once his palm makes contact with her bare skin, she makes a sound of delight. It felt so right for him to be touching her.

He slowly caresses her bare, sensitive nipples, sending her into a complete overdrive. Her mouth parts as a small curse leaves her lips. Being apart from her lovers made her sensitive to their touch.

As Tae plays with her breasts, Nova brings him into a hungry kiss. Her lips move sluggishly against his, tongue against tongue.

Neither can wait any longer.

Once her lips leave his, she helps him take off his shirt. Other pieces of clothing are disregarded and tossed aside. Nova keeps her underwear on, and Tae leaves his on too. They don't intend on going further, but just in case.

Nova kisses his chest, leaving a huge hickey just below his right peck. She pushes him back so he is laying down before continuing. She attacks his torso with kisses, lining them until she got to his v-line. He moans rather loudly as her mouth gets closer and closer.

"Stop teasing me, dove." He whined, buckling his hips to her face.

She kisses his clothed manhood, earning another loud whine.

Her lips curl up to a mischievous smirk, her fingers toying with the waistbands of his boxers before slowly tugging it down.


Jesse sat on the kitchen counter, enjoying a large bowl of some random chocolate cereal. It wasn't breakfast nor was it morning, yet here he was. He didn't have to worry, it was Aaron T's cereal anyway.

Soft footsteps alerted him of someone downstairs, and for the first time of the evening, Tae Young had come down from wherever he was.

Jesse took one look at him and burst out laughing. The poor guy was covered in lipstick marks and littered with love bites. His hair wasn't even neat and straight like usual.

"She got you good Tae." He chuckled, teasing the embarrassed man.

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