Part 1

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Jimins POV:

It was 8:30 am. I had a lecture and entered the university. Tae, my best friend, greeted me with a stormy hug. In the corridor, I heard someone cry out in pain. Depressed and annoyed, I looked at Tae. "Is that my boyfriend?" Tae nodded. I ran to Yoongi, who was standing in front of a boy. "Hyung," Hobi, Yoongi's best friend, said warningly. Yoongi turned to look at me. His angry face disappeared immediately. "Babe," he said softly, looking at me lovingly. That was how Yoongi reminded me of the guy I fell in love with. "Stop it Yoongi. He didn't do anything to you." Yoongi sparkled at the boy. "He looked at you and told his friends he liked you." I just shrugged.

Yoongis POV:

I pulled Jimin to me. "You belong to me." Jimin lifted his arms and put them around my neck. "I don't like it when you're like this, Yoongi. I fell in love with you because you've been so helpful and loving to me. And I thought you were like that to the others too..." Jimin detached himself and went to class. I looked after him. "Babe!", I called after him and Jimin turned to me. "I love you!", I said and looked deep into Jimin's eyes. Jimin ran into my arms. I wrapped my arms around Jimin's hips and pulled him against me. Jimin put his hands on my chest. I leaned down and kissed Jimin lovingly. "Uh," a few students made. I sparkled at them. One girl whispered, "I heard PJ wants to ask Jimin out." "Excuse me?", I growled angrily. Jimin sighed: "Yoonie I don't care. I love you too!" Someone bumped into me. I crashed into the locker with Jimin. Jimin whimpered in pain.

Taes POV:

With Jungkook, Jin, Namjoon and Hobi, we went to Yoonmin. Yoongi glared at PJ. "Hey watch out!" PJ turned around with a grin. "Oh sorry, handsome," he turned to Jimin. Yoongi angrily pushed PJ away and he fell to the ground. "Yoonie," Jimin held Yoongi back. Yoongi hoisted, Yoongi hoisted: "Flirt with my boyfriend again..." he began to threaten. I looked at Jimin, who was snuggling up to Yoongi and whispering something in his ear. Yoongi faltered and looked at his boyfriend in love. I grinned. I know what Jimin whispered in Yoongi's ear. "Come on, let's go home," I suggested. In the car, Jimin and Yoongi discussed with each other, "Yoonie, I don't care if others look at me. What I care about is how you look at me. I love how you cook me at night, take me home so no one attacks me." Jimin rolled his eyes. "You make me feel special." Yoongi growled, "You are special, darling." "You're so cute!", I sighed and leaned against Jungkook.

Jungkooks POV:

In the evening, we met at Yoongi's for movie night. Tae gushed: "I think it's cute when the boyfriend gets so jealous and shows his protective instinct." I pulled Tae to me and kissed him. Jimin sat down on Yoongi's lap and they started making out. I heard Jimin groan. Tae looked enviously at the two of them. The doorbell rang. Yoongi stepped to the door and opened it. A moment later, Yoongi slammed the door behind him, pissed. "Yoonie?" asked Jimin anxiously. Yoongi entered carrying a bouquet of flowers. "Oh," Jimin smiled, "it's beautiful. Thank you Yoonie." Yoongi handed it to Jimin. "It's not from me," Yoongi hissed angrily. Jimin looked for the letter and read it. Indifferently, Jimin threw the bouquet into the bin. 

Hoseoks POV:

I sat on the couch and watched the two of them. Jimin stepped up to Yoongi and put his arms around his neck. "The only flowers I accept are from you." I cleared my throat. "Shall we go?" Tae, Kookie, Jin and Namjoon giggled. Yoongi had spun Jimin around and pressed Jimin against the door as he greedily pressed his lips to Jimin's. Jimin hastily pushed Yoongi away from him. "No. Sorry," Jimin said hurriedly. Yoongi looked disappointed. "Can we watch a movie now?" asked Namjoon loudly. I nodded. Shortly after, Yoongi got up and left the room without a word. Jimin looked sad. I smiled at him. "Go after him. He's just jealous." Jimin nodded and hurriedly walked to Yoongi. I looked to the others. "I think those two need some privacy." The others nodded and quietly we disappeared from the house. I looked to the others. "I hope the two of them can work out their differences with each other." "Jimin loves Yoongi-hyung more than anything," Tae breathed.

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