Part 3

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Namjoon POV:

Time passed without Yoongi showing up. Periodically, he sent baby clothes to Jimin's apartment. Every night, Jimin cried himself to sleep. I sent photos of Jimin to Yoongi, who promptly replied:

📱Yoongi:Most beautiful man in the world. I don't deserve him. I want him next to me again. I want his beautiful, petite figure in my arms again. Most of all, I want to feel his lips on mine. But I don't deserve that.Jimin took my phone from me.📱Namjoon (aka Jimin): Min Yoongi, you come home to your fiancé right now! - Jimin ordered Yoongi in writing📱Yoongi:No, Namjoon. Those two are better off without me.📱Jimin:This is your fiancé writing, you idiot. You get your butt back home to your family.📱Yoongi:Princess?📱Jimin:Yes, Daddy. Your daughter and fiancé are waiting for you at home. 📱Yoongi:Are you sure about this, princess? I want to kiss you so much, but....

Yoongis POV:

📱Yoongi: I can't. I am not good enough for you.

Jimin sent me a new picture of our daughter. He was 6 months pregnant now.

📱Jimin: Min Yoongi, if you don't come home now, you never have to come back.📱Namjoon: Min Yoongi, if you don't come home to your princess, we'll give you hell.📱Yoongi: Jimin, if you really want me back, come to the place where we first kissed.

Jimin and I first kissed on a suspension bridge in Seoul. I took my car keys and ran to the car.
I drove to the bridge and ran to the site and looked down into the river. "Yoonie!", Jimin called after me. I looked up. Jimin was running toward me. I turned to face him. Jimin jumped into my arms. I clasped Jimin's face and greedily pressed my lips to Jimin's. Jimin snuggled up to me.

Jimins POV:

Yoongi knelt down in front of me, lifted my shirt and put his lips on my belly. "My princess," Yoongi breathed. I pouted. "I am your princess." He smiled lovingly. "Yes, you are." Yoongi kissed my belly again. "And this is my other princess." I crossed my arms. "Whereas no. You're not my princess," Yoongi said seriously. "What?", I breathed sadly. Yoongi stood up to me. "The little girl is my princess, you are my queen." "Yoonji," I breathed. Yoongi looked up at me. "Yoonji?" he asked. I nodded. "Jimin, I promise you, I will carry Yoonji and you on my hands," Yoongi breathed. Yoongi pulled the engagement ring off my ring finger. "No," I pleaded. Yoongi looked up at me. "Trust me," Yoongi said seriously. Tears fell down my face.

Yoongis POV:

Jimin swallowed hard. I looked up. "Is proposing marriage that bad for you?" "M...marriage...?" hiccupped Jimin, sniffling. I smiled. "Marriage proposal, yes." I knelt down in front of Jimin. Wind tousled our hair. "Yoonie, what are you doing?" sniffled Jimin. I raised my eyebrows. "Do you want me to just put the ring on you?" "" stammered Jimin. Seriously, I looked at him. "Yes, Jiminie. Be my husband." I held out the engagement ring to him. "Please become my official queen." Jimin beamed. "Yes, I will, my king." Beaming, I put the engagement ring on him. Jimin fell joyfully into my arms.

Jimins POV:

I had an appointment with the doctor. Yoongi smiled at me while holding my hand. The doctor performed an ultrasound on me. "So, there's your little girl." "Beautiful," Yoongi breathed, then kissed me. "So are you." "Yoongi, you haven't seen her yet," I said. Dr. Pi grinned. I glanced at Yoongi, whose shirt was slightly unbuttoned. I was getting hot. I was longing to see Yoongi. I bit my lower lip. "Mr. Park," said a distant voice in my head. My eyes scanned Yoongi's body. "Princess," Yoongi breathed to me, "listen to Dr. Pi." "Huh?", I asked absentmindedly. "Mr. Park..." began Dr. Pi. "Mr. Min," I immediately objected. Yoongi beamed at me. I tugged at Yoongi's shirt. "Yoonie, I'm hot!" I gulped. I felt like ripping Yoongi's clothes off and.... "Princess!", I heard Yoongi shout. It was like an echo in my head. "Min Jimin!", Yoongi hissed at me. I winced violently and came back to reality.

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