Part 2

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Jimins POV:

Sobbing, I slid down the closed door. "Princess, I love you," Yoongi said again. "Jimin, please open the door," Yoongi pleaded, knocking on the front door. "I love you too," I whispered softly and went to my room. I lay down in bed and fell asleep, the knocking still in my ear. Tears were streaming down my face. I had a nightmare: Yoongi came to me after the birth of our child and demanded sole custody. "NO!", I woke up screaming in panic.

Yoongis POV:

I had fallen asleep at Jimin's front door. I startled when I heard Jimin's panicked scream. Immediately I jumped up. "Jiminie," I pounded on his front door. Jimin yanked the door open. Jimin was pale in the face and had tears in his eyes. "Princess," I breathed, lifting a hand to his cheek. Jimin snuggled up to me. I put my arms around his torso. "Princess, are you all right? Did you have a nightmare?" "Please don't take my baby away," Jimin pleaded against my chest. "No, Jimin, no, I would never dare," I breathed harshly. "Jimin, I love you!" Jimin looked up at me with wide eyes, then snorted. "Nothing but empty words." Jimin backed away. "Jiminie...", I began, water coming into my eyes. "I've lost my faith in you. You broke my heart, Yoonie." I looked at him sadly. "I'm so sorry." 

Jimins POV:

Yoongi took my hand, then knelt down in front of me. "Please, Jiminie, forgive me." I said nothing and went to my bedroom. Yoongi followed me. "I will sleep now. Good night, Yoonie." Yoongi put his arms around my hips. I stiffened. "Jiminie, it's me. It's all right," Yoongi murmured to me. My eyes closed. Yoongi's scent rose to my nose. I felt Yoongi's mouth on my neck a moment later. 'Come on, Jimin. Stay strong,' I thought to myself. Yoongi's mouth slid over my neck. "I'm so sorry, Princess." I pushed Yoongi off me. "Yeah, me too," I said. I got up, went downstairs and got myself something to drink. I thought Yoongi was following me, but he wasn't. I opened the fridge and went to make myself something to eat. I took a piece of chocolate. Yoongi's arms wrapped around my hips.

Yoongis POV:

I bent down and kissed Jimin's neck lovingly. I placed my hands gently on Jimin's stomach. "You're sweating, Chim. Go take a shower," I breathed. Jimin whirled around to face me. "What do you want from me, Yoongi? You've been teasing me all this time, for whatever reason. And now you're acting like 'best boyfriend' again. We broke up." I looked deep into Jimin's eyes. "You broke up with me." Jimin looked at me blankly. "And you started bullying me. Just because you found out I was pregnant, you come crawling to me." I swallowed. "Jiminie, please," I pleaded, kneeling down in front of him. Jimin turned away. I hurriedly reached for Jimin's hand. "Princess, please," I pleaded. Jimin cried: "Do you think this is all easy for me?! I love you so much!" I stood up, pulled Jimin's face to me and kissed him. Jimin gently pushed me away. "Go home, Yoonie." 

Jimins POV:

"No! I will take responsibility for this. I know I was a creep, but I never stopped loving you!", Yoongi clarified. I pulled Yoongi to the door and opened it, "Goodbye, Yoongi." Yoongi hesitated and walked out, but stopped beside me and put his hands on my stomach. I looked up at Yoongi. Yoongi raised his hands to my face, clasped it and kissed me lovingly. I returned the kiss, raised my arms and slid my hands into Yoongi's hair. I pushed Yoongi away. "Good night, Yoongi." I closed the door. I leaned against the door and slid down. I began to sob heavily and cry. From the other side of the door, I heard Yoongi murmur, "I'll prove to you that I'm worth taking back, Park Jimin."

Jungkooks POV:

Days later:

I was sitting in Jimin's kitchen. Tae was cooking Jimin's favourite meal. The doorbell rang. I opened the door and Yoongi-hyung was staring at me. "Yoongi-hyung," I said stiffly. Yoongi had a bouquet of flowers in his hand. "Is Chim chim there?" asked Yoongi. "No," I lied. "Oh Tae, this is so yummy!", I heard Jimin say. Yoongi raised his eyebrow. I went to close the door. "See you Yoongi." Yoongi stopped me in my tracks. "You're lying to me. Jimin is here." Yoongi pushed the door open violently and stepped inside. I stumbled back. Yoongi ran into the living room. Jimin fell silent. I ran after Yoongi. Jimin stared at Yoongi. Yoongi handed him the bouquet of flowers. "This is for you, Jiminie." Yoongi's gaze wandered to Jimin's little bulge on his belly. "You're beautiful, Jimin." "I know," Jimin said: "See you, Yoongi." 

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