Chapter 9

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Hermione and Sirius sat on the cobbled stone floor with the pensieve in the middle of them. They had just finished viewing the memory the Professor Dumbledore of this time had given Sirius almost a month ago.

"He was sad when he handed the vial." Sirius broke the tension filled silence first. He was gazing at his hands and he had a light frown.

Hermione stared at him and thought that what the future Dumbledore had said must've struck a deep chord within him. Even in the future, he had not been able to come to terms with his brother's and James Potter's deaths and Peter Pettigrew's supposed betrayal. She shuffled closer and held his hand comfortingly assuming he must be thinking about his late brother.


"Yeah, I'd never seen him looked like that before. It was like the old man was holding himself from bursting to tears." He sighed and they lapsed into silence again but his frown deepened like he just realised something. "Wait, you haven't found Lily's wand? How long is it since you've been in her body anyway?"

"Five days today. From what I've gathered, since the day after she hit her head." She answered, stood up with a small grunt, and shook her hand in front of him to take it. He slapped it away and rose before dusting his jeans and jacket off.

They exited the room and the old tunnel and she closed the bookshelf to hide the opening once again. She thanked the old witch who was kind enough to lend them her personal pensieve. Hermione had found it oddly convenient when she had first tried looking for one with baby Harry in tow after her little outing with Alice and Marlene. The women had escorted them back to Potter Cottage afterwards but Hermione thought she should visit Diagon Alley since she and Harry were already dressed anyway. They flooed to the Leaky right after she was sure her-Lily's friends were gone.

Hermione had wandered to the edge of the alley and found the shop she had never seen before curious. She remembered feeling like she had seen the old witch before but thought nothing of it and briefly mentioned her trying to find a pensieve (she thought it would come in handy for future purposes: it did) and the woman had readily allowed her to use her personal one whenever she needed.

"He said it was your mission to 'right the wrongs' and that I would be able to help you. How the bloody heck would I even be helpful with this?" Sirius groused while they walked back to the Leaky Cauldron.

"Well, it'll be useful if someone was able to tell me more about Lily. It would be bad if something from her past came up and I have no clue about it." She replied.

He nodded and opened the entrance door for her and guided her to seat the back of the pub away from any straying eyes. "Well, first off, Lily despises me, dislikes Peter, and only barely tolerates Remus." Sirius yelled his order to Tom who was busy chatting up a pudgy witch around his age. The bartender gave him a thumbs up and winked at the brunette before he started on the leather-clad man's drink and chips.

"What do you mean? In her memories she seemed like great friends with the Marauders, though?"

Tom placed Sirius' order before almost floating away back to his lady friend wearing a grin that should've looked seductive but only looked sleazy in Hermione's opinion.

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