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Time skip....

Brian's Pov

I woke up the next morning but I didn't see Amber beside me. I saw the time it's 7am... I touched the bed beside me where she laid after our cannoddling... It's cold, she didn't sleep... Just like every other night. I sighed but then I remembered how she made love to me intertwining our hands and her kissing my heart all night long. A smile appeared on my face immediately, I bit my lip remeniscing her soft lips on mine, I couldn't help but to smile at how I let her easily make me hers.

I then saw the bathroom door opening, it was her. She was in a bathrobe and her wet hair made her look sexy and hot.

Amber:Good morning, you woke up early today.


Amber:Are you okay? Your face is red...

She came to me and placed her hand on my face making me close my eyes as I absolutely adore her touch now.

Amber:You're fine.... Come with me I'll help you shower.

Amber's Pov

He's blushing, he's not hot or sick.... You dirty boy, you were thinking about last night.

I don't understand you B, why did you give in? Why did you let me make love to you if you said you love Mia? Why are you happy that we made love? Do you remember me perhaps?

Time skip

Amber:There's noway this woman could enter this house and take that file without any outsider help whatsoever.

Jack:What are you saying? She sent someone in here?

Amber:No... Someone turned his back on us and is working for her. There's a traitor in the house.

Brian:How do you know?

Amber:That woman is smart, she obviously can't send someone from outside. She knows your security system is very powerful and she knows we don't let anyone in easily... She's tough....

Brian's Pov

Who is this woman? And what does she want with me?

I looked at Amber and she's looking tired, she hasn't slept all night, she's not resting until she find the woman that was behind this incident.

She cares about me more than she cares about herself. It's like she.... Loves me....

Amber:Who could it be? Say dad, does um... Does anyone here know about this case?

Jack:No, no one knows.... I even made every worker leave...

Amber:Then, there's gotta be an intruder... Something doesn't add up here... May I see the file we got last time?

He gave her the file and she looked at it but then she chuckled bitterly making dad and I confused.


Amber:Who gave you theses files?

Jack:John, he comes here more often to give me information about the case. Why? Something wrong?

Amber:The information are wrong. Consider that she's 47, that doesn't make sense... One of her men told me she's 25 or 26...

Brian:What if he was the one who's wrong?

Amber:That would be easy to take as an option but it's not... John only comes when I'm not here and he often keeps his eye on you.

She sat on the chair in front of me and threw the file on the table.

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