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I am now a mermaid, gliding through the clear blue waters, in between the surface and sand. All is quiet. The bright sun beams above me. It is at this very moment I remember somebody I've loved, who is much like the sun himself. He is not of this life anymore, he is dead, yet the sun still shines... A yearning enters my core, and reaches out to my head and tail...

I am now Nova once again.

Except that is not my name in this life.

I am a light being, guiding a soul on his journey.

His name I am not sure of, but his legs are not functional, so my being carries him to a destination.

He is dying in my light.

And I love him too much for him to die.

This was the first time I've loved, except I am not sure why I've loved him. Maybe it's his glowing orange aura, much like the sun beaming above us. Maybe it's because he's aware of me, and I have not had attention for millenia. Before him I was just a light, observing the trees below and the physical life even more below. Observation teaches you quite a bit. And in this millenia I have learned that every act every mortal being has taken is an act of love. Even when they hate they justify it with love, even when they kill they justify it as love.

Maybe I'm not that far off. Maybe that's why I'm helping him.

I take this poor soul to an open meadow. I know his time is too short. I know his soul chose for him to die in this moment, in my energy.


I float above him, wishing I can express the grief I already feel.

"I want to be in your energy this one last time."

I descend and my energy begins to hold him, a feeling alot like a hug. His eyes look into me, through me. Like hes always been able to do. I cannot speak in this moment, I am too hung up on humanly emotion.

"I love you..."

My energy brightens and rings at those words. A feeling of fondness, a feeling of devotion overtakes me.

"I will come back for you." My energy finally speaks.

He smiles like the sun, despite his state. He knows I am telling the truth. His smile stays, as life leaves his eyes, he exhales, his breath shaking the flowers around him, one last time.

He died. And so did I. 

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