A Bad Dream Part 1

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It was nighttime and Halloween and everyone was enjoying it. All except for Skye. She was in tremendous pain as the full moon 🌕 shines through the night. Everyone else from the residents of Adventure Bay, Barkingburg, and Adventure City as well as Foggy Bottom looked upon her, including all the members of the Paw Patrol. They heard her cries of agony and saw her body wincing in pain. They looked upon her and saw that her fur turned from a golden tan color to a light shade of gray to pitch black fur while other parts of her body were colored pink. And as she opened her eyes, all they could see was the eyes of a monster. They grabbed torches and lit them on fire🔥 and repelled the once member of the Paw Patrol into a corner until a shot was heard...

To Be Continued... 

Part 2 will be a little longer.

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