Chapter 4 - Filming Begins

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3rd Persons POV.

May 2021. Elvis filming has begun and Austin is looking hella creepy but also sexy and handsome as young Elvis. They are practicing the That's Alright Mama scene and everyone is going crazy for Austin. Y/n hasn't seen Austin in his Elvis gear yet, but he can't wait for her too.

Y/n and Austin never practiced their first scene together, and when it came to a full costume practice with the rest of the cast and crew watching, Y/n has never been more nervous. As she paces around the set, practicing her lines, waiting for Austin to arrive, Priscilla notices and gives her a pep talk.

Y/n's POV.

"Sweetie, are you alright?" My grandmother asks me concerned. "Yea, just a little nervous, we haven't practiced this scene, I haven't seen Austin dressed as Elvis yet, and I have to kiss him." I whispered the last part. Priscilla's face grew a smirk. "Why are you smirking?" I asked her confused. "You have a little crush on Austin don't you. It's pretty obvious. Your nervous about your kiss with him, I see how you stare at him and during covid you always told me and your mum about his progress and you looked so happy for him, like you two were in a relationship." She stated confidentially. I bowed my head down, as my cheeks grew a tomato red. "I do. I have never had these feelings about a guy before and I don't know how to handle it." I admitted. "Y/n don't worry about it too much, it'll all come naturally I know it." I nodded my head at her response, then turned my head towards Baz, who said we should start.

Austin's POV.

I walked into the scene room to practice film meeting Priscilla for the first time. I saw Y/n looked scared, nervous and embarrassed. I hope she is okay.

The scene is going amazing so far. I'm now standing at the window and Y/n is walking towards me. "You know I think if you dream it, you'll do it." She shyly says. "You do?" I reply. "Yeah." She says while grinning. We both then just stare into each others eyes, flicking down to look at our mouths. We eventually lean in and kiss. I felt the sparks and tingles that no one else has ever given me. When she grabs my face, it grows a light shade of pink. Afterwards, I look in her eyes and all I can see is me and her and lust.


We kissed. I loved it. I wanted it to go on forever but it couldn't. I look into his eyes afterwards and the love and passion I see, makes me want to kiss him again. But I don't, instead I run. I run outside the building and start feeling very faint. I hear Austin shouting my name, but then everything goes quiet and darkness overcomes me.

Austin's POV

Y/n ran. I am so confused. I ran after her and when I get outside, I see her fall to the ground. I take my army jacket off, fold it and lay it under her head. I then call for Baz, Priscilla and the medical team, who come running out. Y/n is breathing but hardly. We take her to the hospital, but only Priscilla stays.

When I said that Austin looks creepy in his Elvis gear that was my first reaction when I saw the first trailer. It was creepy but in a good way.
Hope you are enjoying it so far xx

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