Chapter 5 - Tears and I Love You.

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3rd Persons POV

The doctors ran tests on Y/n and they found out she suffers from panic attacks. Although this was her first ever one, it was mildly severe. Priscilla was shocked at the news. She has never seen Y/n get so scared and nervous about something. 

It is now the next morning. Y/n still hasn't woken up, which is making Priscilla, Lisa Marie, Austin and the rest of the cast and crew extremely worried. Austin went to the hospital, where Priscilla told him everything the doctors said and gave him a little heart to heart about Y/n.

Pricilla's POV.

"Austin, I need to know. What are your feelings about Y/n?" He looked shocked that I asked him. "I uh, I don't know honestly. She's cute, funny, amazing. I love working with her and spending time with her. I think I do like her, but I don't know if I should tell her or not." He admitted. "Woah. Look I shouldn't tell you this, but I'm doing this for my granddaughter. She likes you too, but there's something else. She's never prioritized having a relationship before. She's always done what Elvis done in his career. She's been singing and dancing for years, just like him. She's wanted to make him proud for years, which I'm sure she has. Now she's acting, just like him, but there's one thing he's done, which she hasn't done yet." I stated. "You're worrying me, what is it?" I asked. "A family. She's never admitted it, but I know that's what she wants. I've seen her look after her friends children and the smile and love on her face, it's obvious." "She wants children, woah." He said with an expression I couldn't read. "I hope this doesn't change how you feel about her. I know you two will make an amazing couple." "Has she never been in a relationship before?" He asked me. "Yes, she has. Although they never lasted long, due to her touring." I implied. "When the movie is finished, wouldn't she go back to making music and touring? Wouldn't the same thing happen to us?" He asked me worriedly. "Maybe, but hopefully not. If you two got together, I think she'll realize that she has a good thing and should prioritize you and the relationship." He thanks me for the advice and asks if he can stay with Y/n for a bit, which I accept.

Austins POV

I sit in the chair beside Y/n's bed. She's breathing normally now, but still hasn't woke up. I still can't believe what Priscilla told me. Y/n would be an amazing mother and we would make beautiful children. I decide to hold her hand and pretend I'm having a conversation with her, while looking at my shoes. After a few minutes I hear "Austin?" Y/n says in a croaky voice. "Y/n omg. You're awake." I shockingly said. "What are you doing here?" She asks in a confused tone. "Because I care about you Y/n and had to make sure you're okay." She smiles. I notice that her eyes move from my eyes to my lips, so I start to lean in and kiss her. "I'm surprised you didn't pass out this time." I jokingly said after a few minutes. "Haha very funny." She jokes. "Y/n? I need to tell you something." "Yeah." I look into her eyes, "I love you." She doesn't say anything which makes me worried, but the look on her face tells me something different. I kiss her again, this time with more passion. The next thing I hear, have never felt more true and passionate to me. "I love you too." Y/n states with all her heart. 


I feel like I rushed into them admitting their feelings for each other but Idk if I should change it or not. If I should please let me know.

Hope you are enjoying it so far xx

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