Chapter 1

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Kagome has been jumping between the feudal era and present Japan for a little over four years now. A lot has changed since she started her journey to now. She stopped traveling with her normal group about a year and a half ago. She'd finally had enough of Inuyasha's abuse and her good will only goes so far. She may look for the best in everyone, but she only has so much patience. Plus, he had told them that he was going to work closer with Kikyo from then on, not giving any of them a choice in the matter. The undead Miko wouldn't be traveling with them, but Kagome could easily read between the lines. They'd basically be catering to her needs, following whatever she said. Kagome wanted nothing to do with that. Kagome has been betrayed one too many times by the undead Miko and wants nothing to do with Kikyo, other than her demise so she can have her full soul back again. So, she grabbed Shippo (whom she adopted as her son within the first year of traveling) and they split from the group. Sango and Miroku wanted to go with her, and it warms her heart that their loyalty is with her rather than Inuyasha, but she talked them into staying for a while for two reasons. One, she wanted to keep an eye on the half-youkai as his attitude and decision-making has gotten more erratic and impulsive as the years went on. There is nobody she trusts more than Miroku and Sango to tell her the truth about what he's doing. Kirara has become their go-between, passing letters back and forth secretly. Secondly, if they all left him at once Inuyasha would probably simply follow after them. Which would be beside the point of leaving him. It was a tearful goodbye, but Kagome could feel it was the right thing to do. An agreement was made that if Inuyasha got to be too much for them they would split off from him and join her. They're still holding out for now, but Kagome can tell that they're getting close to reaching their limit. But for her Inuyasha had long run out of second chances. She's only been able to meet back up with her two best friends less than a dozen times in the past year and a half. Getting too close to Inuyasha for too long is risky, so they do their best to keep their travel paths separate for the most part.

Kagome and Shippo traveled by themselves for a couple of months before they ran into friends. Koga tracked them down the moment he heard that she left the group, to make sure she was okay. Then he offered for them to travel with him and his pack. She nearly turned him down as she knows how fast he likes to move. She didn't want to slow him down and after escaping Inuyasha's slave driver paces she refuses to move faster than comfortable again unless it's an emergency. He insisted that he didn't mind and would never force her to do anything, "It might be nice to slow down for a bit Gome." And that if he did need to speed ahead for some reason he trusted her to be able to take care of herself until they form up again. That is what made up her mind. Nobody ever seems to believe that she can protect herself, that she's just some damsel in distress. Which she's not anymore. So, she agreed to travel with them, and all three wolves were ecstatic about it. Shippo was excited to travel with more people again as well. Honestly, it's one of the best decisions she's made. She feels so at home with the wolves.

Growing up Kagome has taken a bunch of self-defense classes. With her who dad is, it was kind of necessary. Plus, she gained many siblings throughout the years and they all like to play fight, sometimes a bit more violently than needed. Her youngest brother has a tendency to bite people. How her dad keeps finding kids that know how to fight is beyond her. But each one likes to teach her different fighting styles or other useful things. She's always liked learning new things and ways to protect herself and those she loves. She may not always show it, but she can actually fight really well. So, she can hold her own against humans with no problem. What threw her for a loop when she first fell down the well was how to properly fight demons. Most demons she can't get up close to fight against. Most demons are strong, fast, durable, have claws, sharp teeth, or a variety of different things that make it hard to fight them hand to hand. There are also some who have powers as well; they can control an element, are poisonous, have mental abilities, have minions, etc. Everyone insisted that she learn how to use a bow, something that she had never even held before. All Mikos use bows though and so does she. It's apparently the easiest weapon to channel her Ki through. She really struggled at first, but she eventually got the hang of it. She's no Green Arrow, but she's getting there. Her respect for the blond archer skyrocketed once she realized how annoying wielding a bow can be. He's quickly become her favorite Justice League member. Though she will never tell her family that, they'd be outraged at her choice. She probably would have had an easier first year if she had been able to use a bo-staff of some kind. A few of her brothers like to spar against each other with bo-staffs or escrima sticks and they made sure to teach her the basics as well. If she had more time on her visits home in the future she would probably ask her youngest brother to teach her how to use a sword, but she just doesn't have the time to go back home to the States. She's gotten a few beginner lessons from Sesshomaru, but she is nowhere good enough yet to actually use one in a fight. Koga doesn't try to keep her away from home as Inuyasha did, but she always feels so guilty staying away too long. This whole situation is her fault to begin with and she needs to see it through and fix it. She broke the jewel, so she'll be the one to collect all of the shards. So, lately, she'll go back for a weekend up to two weeks before going back to the feudal era for a month minimum. Her family from the States come to visit her in Japan when she texts them that she's "visiting home from her travels". Her mom and a couple of her siblings know about the truth of her travels through the well, but her dad and the majority of her siblings do not. So, her excuse for technically being missing off the face of the planet is that she's traveling all over Japan and doing her best to stay away from technology. Bluffing her way through high school had been much more difficult as her father and/or siblings would pop over for surprise visits when she was away, but her mom being the absolute saint she is would give a variety of excuses why she wasn't around.

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