Chapter 3

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A sense of relief floods through her when Martian Manhunter finally accepts entering her mind. She does feel a bit bad for him that he hesitated for so long to do something that is so natural to him, she can only imagine how badly he's been treated about that particular power. She spends the next few minutes explaining everything while sharing certain memories with him. She explains how long she's known about everyone in the caped community. How her own adventures started and all of the dangers in the time period they find themselves in. how she really needs them to listen to her, follow her lead, and trust her. She has a pretty good idea of how to get them home, but it'll take a few days to a week (depending on what they encounter on their way there) to get there. She has no idea what is waiting for them between here and the well, especially with how quiet it's been the past week.

After what seems like an eternity of explaining she falls silent, anxiety flowing through her about how he'll react. Martian Manhunter is one of the more neutral-thinking League members, so if she can convince him that his group will need to follow the lead of someone much younger than them and help her convince the rest of them it will make her life SO much easier.

Finally Martian Manhunter answers, "You have been through a lot."

Kagome has to hold back a derisive snort, "That is one way of putting it, yes. Will you help me?"

After a moment's consideration, J'onn nods, "Yes, I believe I will. Your thoughts and memories showed nothing but good intentions and you have to most experience in this situation." He goes to sit down on the log next to the younger girl, "To ask my question from earlier, did you see anybody else around when we appeared?"

"No," Kagome shakes her head, "There weren't any lingering traces of anyone. The arrival of your barrier spooked a couple of lower-level youkai, but other than that there wasn't anyone around. Shippo and I were on our way to a nearby village when your barrier appeared out of nowhere. Whatever transferred you guys here it wasn't from my side of time."

"That is unfortunate, your father will not appreciate no immediate answers."

This time she can't hold back a snort, "Oh, don't I know it. While I may not have too much first-hand experience with the version of him under the cowl, I have heard MANY stories from Jason and Damian. I'm really not looking forward to this. I truly never anticipated having to tell him anything about this. Though, at the same time I didn't expect it to take this long either. I thought I'd be done with this within the first year, and here I am four years later."

"I do not wish to out you more than this situation is already forcing your hand, what all are you going to tell your father once he awakens?"

Kagome lets out a hum of thought, "Well, not telling him anything about the feudal era and my powers are out. There is no way I won't have to use my powers between here and the well, I'm not that lucky. If I can manage it, however, I would like to keep the fact that I know that Batman is my father a secret. He can't be too hard on me as long as he doesn't think I know it's him. Will you help me keep that bit a secret? I mean I know it's a lot to ask, and you are more on his side since you've known him longer and you're on the same team." She ends up rambling a bit, him having full access to her mind means he probably gets even more information than she actively thinks. She's been told on multiple occasions that she wears her heart on her sleeve and she has to believe that is also true with the thoughts within her own mind.

"As I said young one, I will not out your secrets more than I have to. Not unless it is necessary, as in life or death. Your wishes of wanting your father to tell you himself are well founded and I will not breach that."

Relief once again floods through her, "Thank you," she earnestly says before a devious smirk appears on her face, "Since you're in the know now, would you like to join in on the bets? The rules are you can bet however much you want on whatever scenario you want, but you can't outright tell Dad that I know. You can, however, do your best to keep him in the dark to further your own bets. Both Jason and Cass have run interference a couple of times to save their own bets."

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