Chapter 4

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The whole group travels quietly for a while before somebody finally gathers up the nerve to break the awkward silence, "So, where are you leading us?" Black Canary asks lightly, not wanting to sound accusing.

Kagome lets out a quiet hum to let her know that she heard her but doesn't answer quite yet. She's in the process of actively tracking a Yoki aura that's been stalking them for the last minute or so. It doesn't seem to be actively hostile though, so it's most likely just observing them. Curious and cautious. She can't blame them as her current traveling group is odd for the feudal era... and well she's basically doing the same thing to them so she can't exactly judge.

After a few more seconds of sensing the Youkai, who doesn't move any closer so she deems it safe for now, she gets around to answering her question, "Sorry, I'm keeping track of something at the moment." No need to let them know that their every move is being watched and judged by an unknown Youkai at the moment, "Right, you guys would want to know that. Sorry. This area isn't safe to camp in, we'd probably get attacked. We're heading towards a safe area to spend the night." She explains.

"Uh... what exactly might attack us? I haven't seen anything besides you two and the surrounding woods since we arrived." Green Lantern asks with a raised eyebrow. He doesn't want to argue against her, she's seemed pretty cool in the short time since he's met her, but it seems like she's talking up nothing. Like she's trying to scare them with the boogeyman or something similar. This girl is apparently Batman's one kid who isn't one of his hordes of vigilante children. What would she even deem as dangerous or not?

Kagome has to hold back a groan while Shippo starts giggling, "They remind me of you when you first started coming here, Mama." He giggles out as he gives them humor-filled looks.

Kagome has to remind herself that the League doesn't know anything of Youkai or any of the other dangers of the feudal era. Kami, is this what she was like when she fell down the well? Probably, which is absolutely cringeworthy. Next time she sees Sango and Miroku she'll have to apologize for her ignorant behavior.

"This area isn't claimed by any Youkai or any tribes at the moment. Unclaimed land is dangerous to be in for any length of time. Just passing through is fine, but any longer and the people vying for the area will assume you are trying to stake your own claim. If we tried sleeping here the others in the area would think we're trying to set down roots without fighting for it. I would really rather not deal with mightier-than-thou Youkai attacking me while I try to sleep. The area I'm leading us to isn't too far away and it's claimed by a deer tribe. I've dealt with them before and we're friendly. They let us camp on their land with no issues, so we won't have to worry about anything during the night."

Flash raises his hand like he's still in school, "I have a question!"

Kagome snorts out a laugh, "You don't need to raise your hand Flash, what's your question?"

"What exactly are Youkai? Like I've read some stuff about Japanese mythology, but how much of it is true?"

Kagome tilts her head in thought, "That's a bit harder to explain. The closest translation in English for Youkai is Demon, but I don't like using that term since I learned about the demons from hell. Youkai and Demons are nothing alike. The best way I can describe them is to think more along the lines of nature spirits. Youkai are closely entwined with nature; animals, elements, trees, and other natural existing things. Not all Youkai are the same though, no they are all very different from each other. I've found that they mostly fall into three categories.

"First is low-level Youkai. They don't tend to have much, if any, intelligence. They run mostly on instinct, like wild animals. Those are definitely the largest quantity that exists and what most people tend to run into. Since they deal with this type of Youkai the most the general public thinks that all Youkai are like this. Which is simply wrong. These Youkai you don't need to hesitate about killing as they would sooner eat you than leave you alone and they exist in the thousands. I've had to deal with more than one horde of Youkai since I first arrived here and they are annoying, to say the least.

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