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It was around three in the morning when I heard my dad screaming. I walked downstairs only to see he had visitors, but it wasn't like any other visitors he'd usually have it was my childhood friend, momo.

we had known each other since we were kids, but that wasn't the point. The point was what she and her parents were doing here, and why was my dad screaming at them.

As soon as I came inside the room, all eyes were on me

Shoto, what are you doing here? Can't you see I'm busy right now

I just heard you screaming and wanted to know if everything was okay

Um, sir, endeavor, don't you think your son needs to know as well

Nonsense, but I thought we had an agreement that as soon as they hit seventeen, they would get married

I'm so sorry, sir, but the agreement is over. we already founded someone who suits our daughter

Alright, alright, fine, it's not like I need you or your daughter. You all are useless even your quirks are useless now leave

Um, but Mr.Endvor, will I ever be able to see your son again

No, I forbid my son to see useless people like you

You don't talk to my daughter like that

And what are you going to do about it? Mr.Yaoyorozu, I'll shut down your business in just one snap

Dad, we should just go it's fine. Don't worry about it. Bye shoto


After they left, my father didn't know what to do he just kept searching and searching until he decided.

Shoto, come here for a second

Yes dad

I would like you to go and find yourself a beautiful, nice girl


No, but's do it for me make this family proud

Yes, father

I went to my room, put on some casual clothes and a hat to cover up some of my face and hair, and went downstairs and out the door.

I was gonna make this quick, but I didn't know where to search first.

As seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours, I didn't know where else to go and search it was already late nights.

I looked up only to see this sign of a woman glowing in red. I didn't think much of it until I came inside. To my surprise, there were men drinking and touching lady's that were half-naked spinning around in a pole while throwing money at them.

I was left in thought, wondering what the place I just went to was until I heard someone call out in the speakers saying.

Up next, we have Midoriya

The name echoed through my ears. Something about it just seemed weird, but I decided to check out who it was, and to my surprise, it was a beautiful short girl with freckles short, curly green hair wearing clothing that was made out of leather.

My body suddenly moved closer to where she was, and I saw every single detail she had she turned her head, and our gaze met, I went blank for a second before I knew it I took out my wallet and threw some money she came closer to my face I couldn't help but blush I grabbed more money and threw it at her face and ran out.

I wasn't near the door when my hat fell and everyone looked at me. All ladies ran towards me, but my body guard came just in time. I didn't know how he knew where I was, but I was glad he had come. I ran straight to the car and didn't look back.

Hi guys, sorry for the grammar, and ofc this is my first time writing a story and if there is anything you all would want then feel free to tell me and no I do not own any of the characters

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