I turned my head only for someone to catch my gaze. we locked eyes for what felt like hours until he made a move to his pocket he pulled out his wallet and threw money.

To make things seem as if I haven't just stopped dancing, I crawled towards him, seeing a hint of blush form on his cheeks.

I tried to make a move on him only for that man to just take the pile of cash he had left in his wallet and throw it at my face.

I felt a little mad I've never been rejected before from no one I looked down only to realize that the money he threw at me wasnt a dollar or twenty it was a hundred to five hundred dollars i quickly grabbed all of the money i earned and left the stage without a warning.

Hey kacchan, you won't believe what happened

Damn nerd, why did you leave the stage

Well, that's what I was going to tell you. Well, this guy came and started staring at me

Deku, where on earth did you come from people are supposed to look at you? How else do you want them to give you money

Well, if you would stop interrupting, I might tell you the good part

Fine, go on

Well, like I was saying he was staring at me and gave me money then I came closer and he took out a chunk of money from his wallet and threw it at me and that's not the great part okay the great part was he gave me this.

Wow, deku, that's a lot of cash you might wanna get out of here and hide that before someone takes it.

You're right, kacchan, but I'll be going on stage again and finishing my dance

Then what are you waiting for go before they call someone else up

After finishing my dance that I had to stop due to some random guy causing a show, I went home and decided to count how much I just made, though I couldn't stop thinking about that guy something about him was just breath taking.


Hey kacchan

What is it, deku that you called me all weird and stuff

Well, you see, it's about that guy from last night

Hmm, what about that guy

Well, it's just that promise me you won't get mad. Will you

Well, it depends on what you're going to tell me

I'll take that as a no, but well, you see, I had a seductive dream that me and him fucked

Deku if you somehow found and fuck that dude I'll kill you

Uh but kacchan I don't even know that guy

That's the problem your saying if you did knew him you'll cheat on me with him

What no kacchan but I have this idea so I did a little research and that guy was nonetheless part of the most richest family the todoroki

Wait you mean you

Yea I just got checked out by a rich persons son so what I'm planning is that you either help me find him or we contact endeavor but our quirks have to be useful or since I heard that endeavor and his wife has a complicated relationship we can send someone to get close to him but it might take time.

Deku, why won't we do all of them at the same time

Kacchan, we can't just do all of them. We might get caught

Fine, how about you choose which one

That's the problem. I don't know if we'll meet again

Your problem just why one earth do you wanna do this

Good question. Didn't we wanna get out of this shitty place

Quit getting smart before I blow you to bits. DEKU

Right, k k kacchan, so where do you wanna eat at its my treat

How about Annapurna kitchen

But kacchan, we ate there last time, and you know how it turned my stomach

Fine then, since you wanna be so picky, where do you wanna go then

Well, kacchan, since you changed your mind about moving from this place, how about I take you out to a fancy dinner as a gift from our upcoming anniversary

Are you serious, deku, but where do you honestly wanna go and how much money do you actually have

Hmm, well, good question. I have around 5,892 dollars, and the restaurant I'm taking you to is none other than sublimotion

Are you serious about this

Yes, I'm serious. I want to give you everything and anything

But i don't have anything for you, deku

Shhh, it's okay. I simply dont need anything except your body against mine

I put my hands around kacchans shoulders only to feel goosebumps rising

Plus, I have more money stashed under my mattress, so how about we go and buy a nice outfit

Y yes deku .

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