Chapter 2 part 4

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Chishiya pov:

All beach executives stood outside whilst the cars were being prepared. Once they were ready, I quickly made my way to one and got inside, ready to make my move on Niragi. I waited impatiently for the black haired boy to enter the car, but he didn't. Was he late? Why was he taking so long?

Another ten minutes went by before Niragi finally arrived. He was holding a newly lit cigarette in his mouth as he roughly slammed the car door shut.
"Drive then."
He moaned at the assigned driver.

"What took you so long?" I questioned him.
"I couldn't find my cigarettes" he shrugged while taking another puff from his death stick.

I didn't respond, instead I looked out the window, wondering what the game we were about to go to could be.


It had been an hour before we had finally arrived at the game. The car came to a sudden hult, making Niragi kick the drivers seat and flip him off. I nodded at the driver to thank him for the ride and got out of the car.
I waited for Niragi to get out, but he seemed to have other things on his mind.

"What the fuck was that?!" Niragi screamed at the driver, making the small man whimper and stutter an apology.

"Fucking pussy" Niragi mumbled, forcing himself out of the car.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Listen up pussy. If life was normal, you would give a bad driver a bad review, but we can't do that here, so I must improvise."

"His driving wasn't even that bad" I responded with a blank expression.

"If I think it's bad. It's bad. Matter of fact." Niragi walked up to the drivers side and punched him in the nose, leaving an evident fracture on his face.

"Now let's go in" Niragi sarcastically grins.

At the game entrance:

We walked toward the entrance, not saying a word to eachover, knowing exacly what to do.
Scan the area. See who our competitors could be. Guess what kind of card we might gain.

4 middle aged men, built very well.
2 secondary school girls, year 11s would be a smart guess.
2 elderly men who wouldn't let go of eachovers hands.
And that was about it.
"What a fucking weak group" Niragi spat.

"2 old fags, 4 men who clearly go to the gym too much and two children who are probably gonna die virgins."

"Don't be homophobic, you literally kissed a man a few days ago" I whisper to him.
"You might wanna shut the fuck up or you might die before the game even starts." Niragi grabbed my collar and forced me inside the tall building that the game would be inside of.

"Woah, this place looks like my dad's house when he's drunk." Niragi giggled at his sad joke.

The place had chairs thrown everywhere and nothing in sight was not broken apart from a white board that flashed the instructions for our game.

" Welcome to 'lava escape'. To win this game, you must make it to the top of this building. However lava will be rising quickly so you might not want to take your time. No weapons are allowed, but you may sabotage eachover with your physical bodies. Your time starts....."


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