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chapter six
[extremely unedited]


"Uh huh."

"And I learned that not only is the country still ran by a dictatorship, but also that their whole government system is corrupt. The country has a lot of money, but most of the people there are poor. Did you know that?"

"Uh huh."

"The government is hoarding it all!"

"Uh huh."

"I cannot even imagine living like regular people in that country. Can you?"

"Uh huh."

"Are you even listening to me?"

If she was being completely honest, Solange wasn't listening to a word Abby said.

The two were on FaceTime to talk about the project but Solange's mind was on something else: world domination (running Wellsbury again).

She said that she would be able to it all off of weed but would she be able to? She didn't even know what the game was looking like in Wellsbury anymore, she hadn't even known about the dispensary opening in town.

"Not really."

Abby sighed, "There's no point in doing this if you're not going to pay attention."

"You're right, you're right, my bad. What were you saying?"

"There's a dictatorship in Equatorial Guinea, and the government takes advantage of their people. What if Señora Padilla says we have to live like the poor people and not like people in the government?"

Solange laughed. "For a second there I thought you were actually concerned about the way people are treated because of their social class. You really are a piece of work."

Abby paused, thinking about what was said, "I mean I care about that too."

"Be for real, you're only thinking about yourself."

"Maybe I was at first, but not anymore."

"Yeah, yeah," Solange said. "But, we're gonna be living good throughout this project. Trust."

"How do you know?"

"I just do."


Abby Littman wasn't that bad, Solange came to find out.

The girl was at times rude, bitchy, often obnoxious, and privileged with her privilege always seeping through to her whole personality. But it was starting to grow on her.

Like a fungus.

At first they only spoke about the project, in class and at night time on FaceTime. Then it turned into them talking about school outside of the project, they talked about other classes they shared and Abby told her about antics going on in her friend group.

Maybe Abby just needed someone that would listen and maybe Solange's solidarity in her own town had her needing frequent and in person interactions with somebody her age. Neither of them knew.

They never ended up speaking outside of their shared classes while at school. It was sort of awkward, but not really (but yes, really).

Abby trailed behind Maxine, Ginny and Nora as they paraded through the hallways.

Max had learned since the last time to not say anything to Solange's face, and instead ignored her, making targeted comments as she passed by. She hadn't got her friends in on the comments, but she had convinced them to make it obvious that they were giving her the cold shoulder.

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