🐻Fred bears and some scares🐻

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Y/n's POV:

  I woke up on November 5th feeling okay. Halloween was some amount of days ago and I forgot about it. No Jonah, no strange guy from the kitchen. Completely gone.

  My stomach rumbled so I went to the kitchen and grabbed eggs out of the fridge. I got out a pan and butter, all set up to make dip eggs. Father came into the kitchen and sat down with his coffee. "G'morning Y/n." He spoke before taking a sip of his drink.

"Good morning dad." I said and yawned.

  I turned on the stove and placed the pan on. After cracking the eggs I let them sit there for a moment before flipping them. "Mmmm! It smells delicious in here!" My mom said walking into the kitchen in her robe.

  "Y/n is making eggs." My dad spoke once again before sipping his coffee.

  "Can you make me some?" My mom asked nicely before sitting down. I nodded.

  "Of course mom. You can even have these ones." I replied and put two eggs on a plate for her. Then turning back to make myself my own plate now.

After I finished up making eggs for everyone and cleaned up my mess I sat down. Fork in hand, I cut open the egg with my fork and dipped toast in the flowing yolk. "Soo.. Y/n. We've been thinking." My mom started as she grabbed my fathers hands. This couldn't be good.

I stopped chewing my yolk covered toast and looked up while swallowing. "Hm?" I hummed almost choking.

"You're 22 and we love that you love to stay at home, but if you're gonna continue to live here you need a job. You can either pay rent or we can help you invest in an apartment." My dad spoke after sipping his coffee.

"That's fair. I'll get a job" I said fully understanding where they were coming from. My mom cheered and smiled.

"That's great honey! Also we have one more thing." Mom cheered and smiled while handing me a flier.

'Freddy Fazbears Pizza: NOW HIRING!' The paper read. It looked pretty promising to me. It paid a little above minimum wage, I'd have an apartment after a month of working. If I worked hard plus tips. I can be a server.

"I'll do it! When do I go in for an interview?" I asked while I took another bite of toast.

"We got you an interview for today.." my dad scratched his neck. "But don't worry it's at 12 so you have an hour or so to get ready."

"Thanks for the notice!" I yelled whilst running to my room. When I opened my bedroom door I grabbed my nice clothes from my drawers. I brushed my hair out and put it in a ponytail. After I was done rushing to get ready it was nearly time to go.

  I looked myself in the mirror and sighed. "Let's get a job." I hyped myself up before walking out of my room. My parents waved bye to me before I got in my car and drove off.


    Upon walking in, what I assume was the manager came up to me. "Hi I'm Philip Guy. It's crowded here, so let's go to my office ma'am." He spoke to me while rubbing his hands together.

I followed him to his office and sat down across from him. "Well, I already introduced myself. What's your name?" Mr. Guy asked as he scorched his chair in closer to his desk.

"I'm Y/n Y/L/N and I'm 22 years old, sir." I stated trying to come off confident.

"Please, call me Phil. And before we start, do you have any additional information? Like medicine or other medical issues?" He started.

"Nope, I've been pretty healthy my whole life. I've been sick here and there. But just the common cold." I replied and looked him in the eye.

"Good. Now, how do you work with others?" He rested his head on his hands and waited for my response.

"I work relatively well with people. I don't feel the need to fight with someone unless they won't leave me alone. Only verbally, that is." I answered.

"I think we're good here. Just need to run a quick background check. You seem to have applied for the server job. So as soon as we find out that you haven't been to jail or anything like that you're hired. We'll give you a call!" Phil cheered.

"I'm excited! See ya soon Phil!" I cheered back before leaving his office. After walking out I slowly shut the door behind me and took a deep breath. That wasn't so bad.

Jess told me that we should meet up at Meip's Family diner to celebrate my job. But when I reached for my phone it wasn't in my bag. I must've left it in Phil's office.

I turned around and walked back down the long hallway. When I got to the door a familiar man opened it abruptly and yelled "byyeeee philerppp!"

  The man stopped in his tracks before he almost ran me over. He looked me up and down and then his eyes widened. "Y/n?!" He asked stunned. It took me a moment to register who he was.

"Dave?!!" I responded baffled that he was finally in front of me after all these months.

"What are yew doing here?" Dave questioned shaking his head.

"I just got interviewed for a job, and I left my phone in there." I tried explaining through shock and embarrassment.

Dave stayed silent for a moment. "I thought I'd never see yew again." He said in his southern accent whilst scratching the back of his neck. "But there was that one time at a party. But you seemed too wasted to remember."

"Wait.. what? You gotta tell me more about that! Let me get my phone real quick." I replied and went back into Phil's office. He smiled at me and handed my phone to me.

"Thought you'd never come back for it. Now we can give you a call." He chuckled. I nodded and smiled.

"Thanks, Phil." I thanked him and walked back out to Dave, shutting the door behind me.

"Let me give you my number. Since I assume we're gonna be co-workers and buds now." He chuckled and put his number in my phone. Dave point my phone up and made a silly face. I laughed and he handed me my phone back.

Dave quickly pointed to the picture he photographed. God he was acting like a child. But I don't mind. It's cute...

A/n: hey guys. Took a few days to get out chapter 3. I'm sorryyyyy. Anyways! Hope you enjoyed! Love ya💜

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