☕️onward to meips☕️

35 1 4

Y/n's POV:

Dave and I walked out to my car laughing. "Wait wait wait! Tell me that again!" I giggled. I really forgot how funny he was before we did IT.

"So er basically, I went to this Halloween party Jeremy was at and I went to get some spiked punch. It felt weird being at a cringey kids party but my costume wasn't bad. All it was, was my hat and some working boots from when I works on my Maw and Pa's old farm. It was a cowboy. After a while of standing around a young lady came in dressed as a Cowgirl. She was smoking hot. But she was wasted as fuck." Dave started explaining. "We complimented each other and then she started saying I was like a guy she slept with and how she wanted to see him again."

I laughed really hard at the story until Dave chimed in again. "Ya know, now that I think of it. She looked like you. Y/n."

My face went dead cold. "Oh my god it might've been me. I was a cowgirl for Halloween." I gasped.

"Damn, you think I have great dick eh?" He joked. I blushed.

"Well.." I chuckled nervously.

"Yew don't have to answer that darlin'" his southern accent more prominent and he laughed at my nervousness.

   "Well I must be going now! Jess is waiting for me at Meips." I spoke up looking at the notifications from Jess.

"Oh Jess! I remember her. Such a nice girl! Well yew better get going darlin'" he said, patting my shoulder and walking me closer to my car.
  I got in my car and shut the door, my window was down. "Goodbye Dave, see you tomorrow!" I waved.

"Buh bye!" Dave waved.

A/n: I was gonna make this longer but it's been sooooo long since I updated this and just want to get this out for you guys. Luv ya💜

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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