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Gender neutral y/n x Brahms (fluff)


You've been living in the house for over a yeah and Brahms has only reveled himself to you a couple of months ago. He sleeps in his room in the walls afraid that he's being to clingy. The cuddles during the day were a lot knowing that you probably wouldn't get any work done that day. "Brahms~ please can't I do my work?" You would say talking softly to him. "Nooo.. Just five more minutes" he say looking up at you with puppy dog eyes. You would roll your eyes then smile while continuing to play with his hair. He knew he was clingy but would leave you alone at night. You really enjoyed spending time with him and he was so cute.

One night you made him his favorite dinner. Sat next to him, cut up his food for him and ate with him "thank you
y/n this tastes better than last time! You are a great cook you know that?" He said with such a caring voice. "Thank you~" you smiled at him as you finished your food and watched him finish his. He only lifted his mask so much to take a bite but didn't stop you from always giving him kisses on his mask. "I'd think you'd be very pretty even without your mask" you smiled as your hand went to rub his back. He would chuckle to himself and look at you "maybe one day you'll see it.. Maybe a day soon. I trust you" he said as he finished his food. You got up and washed the dishes and took his hand. "Bed time Brahms" you'd say looking in his eyes. You could see that he got slightly sad but he nodded.

You two walked up to the bathroom and you would tell him how to wash his face and brush his teeth then you would wait on the other side of the door. He knocked three times to let you know it was okay to walk back in. You walked in and sat him down on a stool as you stood behind him to brush his hair. "I like you brushing my hair.. It's nice" he says looking in the mirror paying close attention to what you are doing. "Mmm~ I'm glad" you hummed back. You finished brushing his hair and sprayed his hair with stuff in it to keep his curls healthy.

You walked him to his room and helped him but on pajamas. He was old enough to do all of this by himself but you loved babying him so you didn't care. You tucked him in and kissed his four head and gave him a stuffed bear. "Goodnight~ I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast" you say as you went back through the walls and up to your room. You didn't like that he was far but you understood that he wanted to give you space. You got undressed put on your jammies and did your routine. You went to bed and that was it.

Some time probably midnight but you woke up to songs at your door. "Brahms...?" You whisper as you sat up and rubbed your eyes. He walked through the door crying and sat on your bed holding his teddy bear. "Hey.. Hey what's the matter?" You ask in a soft calm voice. "*sniff* I... I.. Umm.. I.. Had.. Had a nightmare.. *sniff*" he said crying holding tightly to the teddy. You moved closer to him touching his shoulder. "Oh I'm sorry.. What was it about?" You ask seeing if you can try to comfort him. A couple of sniffles later he managed to speak up. "I.. I thought.. Well.. In the nightmare.. You.. You weren't here.. You left me.. Left me.. And.. Umm well.. Then umm.. The fire.. It happened again.." He said slowly looking at you. This man had trauma that you wished he didn't have but all you could do in this moment was hug him. "I-I I'm sorry.." He said hugging you back tightly. "No no don't be... I'll never leave you.. And I'm sorry that happened amor" you pulled back and looked at his face. "I won't leave you.. I love you~" you said with only love in your voice. He was shocked. This was the first time you said I love you. Words he never thought you would say. "R-Really?" He said and stopped crying. "Yes.yes I do~" you smiled and kissed his cheek. Wait a minute. This wasn't the mask your used to kissing. It was his  actual face! You had a huge smile on your face. Little did you know he was blushing deeply. You looked down and noticed the bear had the mask on.

"Hey how about this. You can sleep with me tonight. Okay? I'll make sure you have no nightmare and you don't have to be scared" you said taking his hand and holding it. His face lights up and nods. "Yes please~" he said with excitement in his voice. Both of you layed in bed, you being little spoon and him big spoon. You held the bear and placed the mask on your dresser. "Y/n?" He whispered. "Yeah?" You ask back whispering.

"I love you too"

(882 words. First ever fluff written. Ik it's short but I had to post this before I went to bed. I'll write long eventually but yk. I hope you like it:))

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