Taisho Story (Getting beat up...)

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THIS IS FOR YOU Kitty12222
Sorry for taking a while to publish this🥲

Run faster. Running was all I was thing about. I was running away from upper moon's clones. I don't know how long I was running for but my legs were starting to hurt. When all of a sudden, I tripped on mud. I tried getting up but I heard a laugh. I knew who it was.

~Get up, Tanjiro.~
~You don't want to get hurt by them.~

But I simply couldn't get up, my whole body froze.

"Aww. You thought you were gonna-" *slice*
I turned around to see Urogi's arm gone. Like as if someone cut it. I saw someone land in-front of me, but they didn't look like demon slayer, more like a demon. ARE THEY A DEMON TRYING TO EAT ME ASWELL!?

"Don't worry! I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to beat their ass!" A mysterious woman told me was petting me.

"Hey, you have a choice to leave or die." Sekido said with anger.

"I make my own choices. I'm not leaving." The woman said while taking something out of her pocket, "I'm gonna beat your asses!"

"HOLY SHIT! SHE HAS BELT!!" Urogi screamed.

"WHAT DO WE DO!?" Karaku said while trembling.

"I forgot I can fly...SO LONG EVERYONE!" Urogi said while moving his wings. As he was about to fly, he quickly took Aizetsu who was terrified.

"SHE'S BEHIND US!!" Sekido said with fear in his voice.

"YOU CHICKEN NUGGET!!!" Karaku screamed to Urogi while he was flying away with Azetsu.

I don't know why but I felt like laughing. Both Sekido and Karaku tried running but they were too late. The demon already got them and she was hitting them so hard, their cuts wouldn't heal. I heard footsteps behind me so I quickly turned to see Misturi, Giyuu, and Sanemi. I got up to hug Giyuu. I started crying because of how much I missed him. He was also crying but not as loud as me. I turned and the girl was still hurting Karaku and Sekido.

"I'm not done with you guys. Blood demon art, NEKO!" While she was saying that, cat ears started to grow from her head. As I blinked, Karaku and Sekido disappeared. Only for their blood to be everywhere. The demon girl turned around to see if I was injured. She walked up to me and had a calm smile. Like as if she was telling me everything was fine.

She looked up to Misturi and started blushing like crazy.

"You did a good job out there!" Misturi said, "but... CAN I TOUCH YOUR EARS!?"

The demon nodded and Misturi started petting her. I think the demon has a crush on Misturi.

"Oi, are we just going to stand here or what?" The wind pillar, Sanemi, said.

We all thank the demon and left. Giyuu put me on his back so I can rest. After a while, I fell asleep...


I saw a Tik tok video about the hantengu clones where Karaku called Urogi a 'chicken nugget' so I decided to put that in this story.


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