kunigami rensuke 𝇈 thank you

339 10 0

word count: 4431

genre: fluff, a bit of angst, deaf!reader, classmates-to-lovers trope, kunigami learned asl for u, panic attack, overprotective!kunigami, bullying, and selectively-mute!reader

small note—using this ' for when they are signing so no one gets confused


have a lovely time reading! :)


The world was very quiet.

All of those fast-moving transportation devices, all of those TV's that sit behind store windows, all of the lightning that flashes across those dark, puffy cumulonimbus clouds, all of those people walking at the busy intersection speaking amongst themselves or to a friend beside them. The lips moved, the sound was produced, the air carried the sound wave, but there was not a sound that reached your ear.

It was nothing but silence, but that silence didn't frighten you. It was something you grew accustomed to.

You clung onto your cutely decorated, pink school bag tightly and glanced up at the light that displayed the color green. The many people that surrounded you took steps forward, beginning to cross the busy intersection as you followed suit. You dipped your head lower into the confines of your pink, comfy scarf that your mother made you wear before leaving out for class. It was a very cold day, snow had just begun trickling its way down onto the top of your long black, coily hair that was styled half-up, half-down.

You continued on your long journey to school as the crystal snowflakes surrounded you and began to turn the city into a wonderland of snow. The more you got closer to your destination, the more teens you saw that had the same uniform as you. Most of them walked in their respective friend groups, others were running fast to the gates to not be late to class, and some like you had walked by themselves.

As you walked past the school gates and into the school building, you walked over to your locker to switch your shoes out and neatly fold and place your scarf and coat into the small space. Your feet slowly travelled to your class as you passed the many peers that spoke, laughed, complained, argued, and gossiped amongst themselves. You turned down the hallway, then entered your classroom, moving over to your seat to take your belongings out of your bookbag. You set your cute, pink notebook in the center, and your fancy pencils and pens were to the left of the notebook with your bear-shaped highlighters to the right. You sat in complete silence.

Your eyes traveled across the room to look at the moving lips of your classmates.

"Yes! The new episode of Hell's Paradise released, did you see it?" You made out the words of a boy in your classroom that was stoked with his friends about his favorite show.

Suddenly, the vibrations of the desk scraping against the floor made you fly your eyes to the side at the orange-haired individual sitting down as his group of friends circled around him. His name was Kunigami Rensuke—he was.. very handsome.. and extremely friendly to you compared to others. He was pretty popular since he was apart of your school's football team, and he was really good at earning goals and boosting the morale on the team. Kunigami was a very kind soul.

Once his head flew over to you to greet you, you darted your head to the front of you. Your cheeks were burning from the embarrassment casting over you and your heart that was increasing in speed was thumping loudly. It wasn't a secret nor was it something you would love to hide—you had a genuine crush on your deskmate and this crush had been growing for the past four months. Someone's soft, large fingers gently tapped you on your shoulder. You shot your eyes back over to him, and widened them at his entire body now facing your direction. You anxiously squeezed your knees and crossed your jittering feet.

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