chapter two

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Itachi's pov-

  Glancing at narumi I noticed she was still asleep. It was almost time to get off. Should I wake her up. After a minute of thinking the train started slowing down. Nevermind I'll just carry her. Picking up narumi I moved slowly to the train doors. I came here ounce on a mission so I know I should be about 2 miles away from the league of villians base. Glancing at Narumi's sleeping form to see if my movement woke her up I was glad to note that it didn't. Making sure she was secured I started hoping out of the trees and onto of the building so I can make It to the base before anyone saw my shinobi out outfit. When I was about 2 minutes away from the base I jumped down and started walking the rest of the way since this was a secluded place. Before I could walk into the base I was surrounded by twice. "Itachi-San you came back" he said surprised when he realized it was me. "Hai" I said ignoring his jumps of happiness and starting to walk in. I'm surprised he didn't notice narumi and that she didn't wake up. "Shigaraki" I called my voice echoing in the slightly dark room. Where was the light switch again I forgot. Walking around I finally found the light switch and flicked it on. "Itachi-kun" toga yelled her arms flying up. She was louder the twice. I felt movement on my back and glanced at Narumi to see she was waking up. Great. Thinking she was gonna wake up I was surprised when I heard soft snoring again. Okay thank the gods she didn't wake up. I want to at least explain stuff to them first. Directing my eyes to toga who looked confused since she couldn't she narumi I sent her a glare. [I forgot to mention narumi is 15 while itachi it 19, I also don't watch mha and demon slayer alot]. "Why so mean Itachi" toga wined noticing my glare. My eyes turned into the sharingan this automatically shut her up. "Be quiet my girlfriends sleeping" I say turning a little for them two see narumi they couldn't see her face tho. "You have a girlfriend" dabi asked from the door he was leaning on. "Surprised" I ask. "I mean I am too your so stuck up" toga mumbled. Ignoring her I turned to shigaraki. "Itachi" he nodded at me in greeting. I just nodded back. "So it's that time huh" shigaraki asked siting down on the couch. "What time" twice asked making sure not to be loud. "Hai it is" I said ignoring twice. "Last time itachi was here he told me that one day he'll come back and when he does he'll be hunted, but he didn't tell me he'll be bringing someone else" shigaraki said glancing at narumi. "We are both being hunted, she ran a away from home and I on the other hand is being hunted because I'm a missing ninja" itachi said. [The lov knows about the other lands].
"So they want you dead" dabi asked. "Hai" I answered. "What about the girl" shigaraki asked. "She-" I started but I stopped when she started moving on my back. Glancing ounce again at narumi I noticed she was awake. "Tachi" narumi asked. I looked at the others to see that they where slightly surprised at how soft her voice was. Looking back at narumi I smiled. "Goodmorning narumi-hime" itachi said this surprised the lov members. "Hime, as in princess" toga asked. "Whose that" narumi asked not being able to see over my shoulder. After fixing her so her head laid on my shoulder she saw the lov members and the lov just starred at her. "Aww she's so cute" Toga yelled jumping up. Narumi was a bit surprised but smiled anyways. "You beautiful as well" I heard narumi say. "Thank you thank you" toga said jumping up and down. "Can you put me down now" I heard narumi ask her face oddly close to mine. I was tempted to kiss her but refused since we we're guest. "Hai" I said before placing her down. We are a three heads diffrents in height. She was using her normal orange jump suit so her curves and lady parts did not sure. I on the other hand was using my old anbu uniform. I didn't know how long I starred at her but when she started laughing I looked up to see the whole lov galkin at us. "Did I miss something" I ask. "You where just smiling" twice screamed. I blinked ounce then twice before I just shrugged. "Itachi always smiles" narumi said. Narumi had a beautiful smile on her face but I diverted my eyes away not wanting to get distracted again. "Shigaraki" I called causing the red eyed man to look at me. "Can we stay with you" I ask. "Stay with me" shigaraki asked. "Wait so these guys are the villian people you where talking about itachi" Narumi asked going infront of me and looking up. "Hai naru-hime I met them on a mission when I was still in konaha" i said. "Oh cool" narumi said turning around to face the others. "You can stay but, we are villians so they gotta have something in the table for us" shigaraki said. "We'll be villians too" Narumi said raising her hand as if she wanted to be picked for something. I just sighed and pulled her against my chest. "Itachi" narumi asked looking up at me. I just looked down smiled then looked back to shigaraki. "You would have to kill people tho you sure you want to do that" Dabi asked. "I did more then just kill people" Narumi mumbled looking at dabi. [Let me make this clear they know about the other places they just don't know how to get there at what type of things they do and there power]. "A little girl like you killing people" shigaraki asked. "She's 15" I said. "Wait" twice said. "Didn't you call her princess, is that like you name for her or is her title actually a princess" twice asked. Glancing at narumi who was just looking at me. Thinking for a little bit I looked back up. "She is the princess of the land of fire, if you don't know the land of fire is in the outside border of this place" Itachi said. "Princess aye, why would someone of high value run away from her position" shigaraki asked. "There assholes and plus they wouldn't allow me to date tachi-kun since he's a traitor" narumi said. "Ah, a traitor" shigaraki said glancing at me who just sighed. "It was a mission shigaraki it's not like I'm gonna do the same to you" I said. "Oh yeah yeah I remember you telling me about that" Narumi said smiling.

Narumi's pov-

  After i said that the tension in the room lightened. These guys are scary. Hearing a grumbled in the back of my mind I relaxed myself and went into my mind scape.

Itachi's pov-

  Feeling narumi go limp in my arms I sighed and picked her up bridal style. "Is she okay" toga asked. "Hai, narumi is randomly pulled into her mindscape for no reason" I said sitting down next to shigaraki on the couch narumi on my lap. What i told them was a lie of course, I mean I can't tell them everything now. It's not like they'll believe that there is a massive fox demon Inside narumi, and to make the situation even more confusing the fox demon is her father, theh have to find that information on there own and I'm sure kurama will tell narumi to keep her mouth shut about it.

  Sadly this chapter is over, comment below if you want me to do something pacific but it has to match up with the story line that's already playing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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