Chapter 1: Destiny

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Blossom's POV

This is it. This is where my life is either going to begin or end. I took a deep breath and ran my hand over my flair dress, I held my head up and walked through the large glass door. I walked as though I had all the confidence in the world when, in reality, my heart was pounding. I could hear it in my ears, my hands began to sweat, and my knees felt weak. But I was going in no matter what the voice in my head was saying, I needed this job, and I finally needed to find my own place.

"Good morning, Mrs Givern..."

"Huh, umm, actually, it's Miss Givern."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Givern, Mr Kuunar is not in today. However, your interview will be done by an HR personnel."

I hurried behind her as she was moving fast, I could see she was used to wearing heels, or more like running in heels.
I looked around to notice the place was sophisticated, the women and men were sophisticated, and even the architecture was sophisticated. She brought me to a waiting area and told me I could sit down.

This place was beautiful from the glistening tile on the floor to the large floor to ceiling picture windows. The detailed columns and the beautiful carvings in the woods that looked custom built. Every detail seemed intentional and fit perfectly together. It was a master piece.

"Kuunar Energy." I whispered beneath my breath.

Mr Kuunar was one of the richest men in the world. He had billions and billions of dollars, and the public didn't know much about him. He hardly does interviews, and when he does, he never speaks about his personal life. I wonder what it was like being that rich. I never had to worry about paying my rent. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be paying rent. I would have multiple houses around the world.

I sat down daydreaming about how wonderful it must be to have everything.

"Mrs Givern, hi, good morning. This way, please.

Why is everyone calling me Mrs? I thought to myself. How far am I from being anyone's Mrs.

I was directed into a large office. A gentleman behind a large metal desk mixed with what I assumed is oak barely raised his head up.

"Good morning, Mrs Givern. You may have a seat." He said with a rusty voice.

I sat down and told him thanks. He still hadn't pulled his eyes away from the computer, and I was starting to feel even more nervous. I sat waiting almost five minutes, even though it felt like five hours when he finally looked up at me with a smile.

"Your resume is very impressive, Mrs Givern. One thing that is missing is that you have no experience. Why do you think we should hire you?"

"I might not have years of experience as a field engineer, but I believe being the top student in my batch as well as going on numerous field research programs with my professor as given me much knowledge. I was also the person who wrote the piece on involving natural resources when making oil pipes. I think these qualify me as one of the best assets in your company. I'm people-oriented with superb communication skills, and I know how to predict people's reactions."

He smiled and ran his finger over his smooth pink lips.

" You can predict people's reactions, Huh? He replied.

"Yes , sir, I can."

"What makes you confident in this ability."

"Years of experience, I supposed."

He laid back in his chair , lightly pushing it onto the wall. He took his tie into his hand and neatly placed it onto his chest and down his abdomen.

"What do you predict my reaction is going to be based on the conversation we just had? I mean, I just asked you one question."

"I know you read my research paper, I also know that even though you were trying to keep a cool face, you were very impressed by my resume. I also know that even though I don't have the experience of carrying out an actual project, I have more experience in researching and getting my hands dirty than someone who's done a field project. Based on all that, your reaction is that we need her on the team."

He smiled and stood up. He shook my hand and told me they would be in touch.

I left feeling confident, I knew this job was mine, or I hoped it was mine.

It's mine, Blossom. This job is yours. I told myself.

Two days after the interview

When my phone rang, I lazily stretched across the couch for it.

Aaahhh, I groaned. But then my eyes caught the number.

" Oh my God, Oh my God, it's Kuunar Energy."

" Hello."

"This is Ashmir Kuunar, I'm calling for a Mrs Blossom Givern."

"Are you freaking kidding me? It's Mr Kuunar." I whispered beneath my breath.

"This is she."

"Hi Mrs Givern, I'm calling about the interview you did."

"Yes, sir."

"Do you mind coming in for a second interview? "

"Um sure..."


When the line went dead, I caught my breath. I didn't even realize I was holding it.

And then I came to a realization, Mr Kuunar called me, himself!

Oh, bloody hell for a second interview.

Look out for chapter 2

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