Chapter 17: Lost in Thoughts

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Seated in her final meeting in Paris, Blossom's body occupied the chair, but her mind wandered through a tapestry of memories woven with Ashmir's essence. Reminiscing on every detail, from his dark hair to his captivating green eyes, she found herself consumed by a craving for his touch.

As the discussions in the meeting room unfolded, Blossom's thoughts danced with the lingering echoes of the night spent in Ashmir's arms. The mundane realities of business became a backdrop to the vivid hues of her newfound emotions. Ashmir had painted her world with his presence, and every thought was now colored with the palette of all that was him.

In the midst of the corporate setting, Blossom's mind became a canvas where the strokes of Ashmir's memory painted an intricate picture. The yearning for his touch lingered, a subtle undercurrent that shaped her perception of the world around her. As the meeting progressed, Blossom found herself lost in the tapestry of thoughts that tied her to Ashmir, each memory of a brushstroke that painted the canvas of her reality.

A question posed by one of the meeting participants jolted Blossom's thoughts back to the task at hand. Struggling to answer, she managed a sweet smile and a nod of her head, her mind still tethered to the lingering desire to be in Ashmir's presence once again.

As if on cue, the serendipity of the moment unfolded. Blossom's phone buzzed, and there it was—a message from Ashmir. He told her not to make any plans; he was going to pick her up after her meeting. The timing, like a stroke of fate, aligned perfectly with her yearning for his company.

The sweet interruption breathed life into Blossom's day, and the prospect of being reunited with Ashmir infused a newfound energy into her being. As the meeting continued, she navigated the business discussions with a sense of anticipation, knowing that soon she would find herself in the comforting presence of the one who occupied her thoughts—the one who had, once again, become the focal point of her reality.


As Ashmir awaited the moment to pick up Blossom after her meeting, a surreal feeling enveloped him. The disbelief lingered, and he questioned if this moment was real or merely another chapter of his recurring nightmares, where dreams of being with Blossom were shattered upon waking.

Beyond the clouds of joy and elation, there was a complexity that defied easy description. If someone were to ask him to articulate what he was feeling, Ashmir found himself at a loss for words. The sensation was profound, a blend of happiness and a nagging shadow that reminded him of his past—the Alpha and the looming threat that hung over their newfound connection.

While on cloud nine with the anticipation of seeing Blossom, there remained a lingering awareness of the challenges that lay ahead. The dual nature of his emotions painted a nuanced portrait, where the joy of being with Blossom was juxtaposed with the shadow of a past that continued to cast its influence on their present and future.

As Ashmir's anticipation of being with Blossom soared, a solemn realization settled within him. The battle, though of a different nature, couldn't be avoided for long. He had made up his mind—Blossom belonged to him, and he was determined never to break her heart, or his own, again.

This resolve, however, came with its own set of challenges. Ashmir knew that declaring his claim on Blossom meant he would be at war with the pack he once led. The impending clash with his past loomed like a storm on the horizon.

Moreover, a more intimate revelation awaited. During their moments of passion, the secret of his true identity as a werewolf had nearly revealed itself. Ashmir acknowledged that the time had come to share this profound truth with Blossom. The vulnerability of unveiling his supernatural nature, the potential consequences it carried, and the impact on their relationship—all weighed heavily on his mind.

In the shadows between joy and the inevitable confrontation, Ashmir steeled himself for the battles ahead, both within and beyond the realms of their shared reality. The decision to be with Blossom, to protect her heart, meant facing a series of challenges that would test the strength of their connection and reshape the contours of their shared destiny.

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