Chapter 20: Evil is Lurking

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As the days passed since their return to England, Blossom found herself unable to shake the lingering unease brought on by the mysterious phone call that had interrupted Ashmir's confession. The words echoed in her mind like a puzzle waiting to be solved—pack, arranged marriage—each one laden with significance she couldn't quite grasp.

Despite her best efforts to dissect every word and unravel the mystery, Blossom hesitated to broach the subject with Ashmir. She could sense the weight of the phone call still hanging over him, and she didn't want to add to his burden.

But as they settled into their routine in England, the unanswered questions gnawed at Blossom's mind, a constant reminder of the secrets that lay hidden beneath the surface. Pack—what did it mean? And arranged marriage—was it possible that such a thing could still exist in this day and age?

With each passing day, Blossom found herself growing increasingly restless, the need for answers pressing upon her like a weight upon her shoulders. She longed to confide in Ashmir to share her fears and uncertainties, but she couldn't bring herself to disrupt the fragile peace that had settled between them.

She wondered if him asking her to move to England with him was because he wanted her near him or was it what's keeping his mind so occupied.

And so, she resolved to wait, to bide her time until Ashmir was ready to share his truth with her. But as the days turned into weeks, the nagging sense of unease persisted, a constant reminder of the secrets that threatened to unravel the fragile tapestry of their love.


As Ashmir observed Blossom's hesitance, a pang of concern tugged at his heart. He couldn't help but wonder if she was still grappling with the weight of the interrupted conversation they had shared in Paris. The unspoken words hung between them like a heavy fog, casting a shadow over their once carefree moments together.

But beneath his concern lay a deeper fear—an awareness of the dangers that lurked in the shadows, threatening to tear them apart. He couldn't shake the memory of the phone call that had interrupted their evening on the Seine River, the voice on the other end dripping with menace and malice.

How had the Alpha known they were in Paris together? How had he been able to reach them to threaten Blossom in such a brazen manner? The questions gnawed at Ashmir's mind, a constant reminder of the dangers that surrounded them.

But even as fear gripped his heart, Ashmir knew he couldn't burden Blossom with the weight of his worries. He had promised to protect her, to keep her safe from harm, and he would do whatever it took to fulfill that promise.

And so, he resolved to keep a vigilant watch over her, to guard her with his life if need be. For as long as they were together, he would do everything in his power to shield her from the darkness that threatened to consume them both.

As they settled into their routine in England, Ashmir couldn't help but notice Blossom's hesitance. She seemed lost in her thoughts, her usual exuberance tempered by a quiet unease that tugged at his heartstrings.

He longed to ease her worries, to reassure her that everything would be alright, but he knew that the truth was far more complicated than he could ever admit. The threats that loomed over them were real and tangible, and he couldn't risk exposing Blossom to the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

But as the days turned into weeks, Ashmir found himself growing increasingly restless. He knew he couldn't keep the truth from Blossom forever, that their safety depended on her understanding the gravity of their situation. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to shatter the fragile peace that had settled between them, to subject her to the harsh realities of their world.

And so, he waited, biding his time until the moment was right, until he could find the courage to reveal the truth to the woman he loved. But with each passing day, the weight of his secrets grew heavier, threatening to consume him from within.

As Ashmir watched Blossom navigate her way through their new life in England, he couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them. Would they ever find the peace and happiness they so desperately sought, or were they destined to forever be at the mercy of forces beyond their control?

Only time would tell, but one thing was certain—no matter what the future held, Ashmir would do everything in his power to protect Blossom, to shield her from the darkness that threatened to engulf them both For she was his everything, his reason for living, and he would stop at nothing to keep her safe.

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