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Mona drown herself between thick astrology books in her room. It has been her passion since she found that astrology is a very valuable talent since it can be a kind of divination.

To read the future.

Despite not really looking to be that omniscient person, Mona is intrigued with a philosophy that one's fate is already written in the sky.

Just like how hard it's to master astrology, to be able to learn that is even harder. She as to apply for a student license in White Magic Tower in Fontaine, passing the entrance paper exam, and completed a two years internship program. Not to mention their final exam at her last semester there.

And to do all of that, since the tower still holds a prejudice of blood lines, everyone that applies has to be from a noble background that already done their society debut.

Which means she is screwed if Scaramouche kicked her out during this period, just a month before her debutante.

Most people already aware the value of an astrologist, so if she can show her worth to the him, then she may be able to keep her title for a while.

"Come on, show me something, anything ..." She begged for her scry glass to show something but it stays still.

Her eyes widen when sees a bit of shadow. It starts to shape  a little bit like a person. Then a chair. 

And a crown.

"Is it ... an ascension?"

Suddenly, all is engulfed with fire and the images goes blank. Mona sigh in loss, that was a tough to summon yet it's useless. 

A knock on her door averting her attention. Kirara only popped her head through the gap, calling her. "My lady, the lord has returned for the night."

"He is done with the meeting?"

Kirara nods. "Kazuha said so."

Reluctantly, Mona raise to her feet. Staring down at the dim scry glass on the floor, she clenched the tube that once filled with void now turns blue. 

Whatever it takes, she has to ensure her safety in the estate before Scaramouche got any idea to kick her out. 

Swallowing the lump in her throat, she makes hasty steps out of her room.She has to.


Raiden household has already established far before Inazuma even stand.

This world that is ruled by archons, everything goes by as the archon wishes. Even though their power is not as powerful nor prominent as it was during the first era of humanity, they people still holds a strong belief in them. 

A few human has been trusted to handle the gnosis, the essence of power from an archon. Usually it is in the possession of the gnosis is in the royal family who reigned each seven region. Inazuma, however, is a different case.

Raiden clan is the first to protect the gnosis. Then the duty is transferred to Kamisato clan who is the current royal family in Inazuma. That's due to Raiden clan is trusted with a new responsibility to protect ancient artifacts across the world.

Through the underground prison below the Raiden's estate, opening a barrier with a grade 5 spell casting, there is Tenshukaku. A place filled with powerful artifact, some may grants one's wishes, cure any illness, gives an unimaginable power, and more.

But also ones that will be asking for soul and destruction as an exchange.


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