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after RYZ has been crowned as the  king of spirit   the  arch noble  has requested a formal conference  to talk about  how he plan to go on  with relationship between humans and spirit , until now only a specific  element and ranks of spirit could go out and form a  contract  but  now that the spirit have a ruler  the spirit can now expand their evolution limit to beyond arch spirit   .

after RYZ has been crowned as the  king of spirit   the  arch noble  has requested a formal conference  to talk about  how he plan to go on  with relationship between humans and spirit , until now only a specific  element and ranks of spirit could...

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[-at the   nobles conference  ]

A common looking maid has entered the room awhile her eyes were closed , as she step a few step to the king seat and open  one eye to have a small peak  and again closed her eye  with  disappointed face  at the nobles as it seems from how they sitting and behave  they won't talk at all and would leave everything  to the leading figure here .                                 As the maid approached   the king's seat she slightly bended  so she could whisper her report to the king properly ' the nobles won't make a move here , they judging you that all ' as the maid reported  ,the king's  frowned  and replied in a low voice  ' good job you may return ' and  the maid taken two steps backward  awhile keeping the respected standing distance .

< ' Let's start this  conference '>  the voice of Ryz could  be heard through the  whole room  as if they were in a huge cave , due to the great echo that came from  Ryz  the nobles who were looking quite relaxed  and carefree now startled and focused on one seat the seat  of the  one terrifying  spirit king  ,  they now know that they cannot underestimate the king's aura  .

As Rys everyone state his opinion  at the matter  Rys got quite  surprised the two most unexpected people  had the same opinion . The two people with the same opinion were                                                                                            ~Arch Duke Hyperion Oberonian, The Giant Spirit of Light~   and                   ~Duke Cronox Oberonian, The Giant Spirit of Time~

those two opinion was  to Announce  -The great Empire Of Yggdrasilium- ,  they explained further stating  that the human , elves and dwarvs  and recently even the monsters in the jura forest  have approached a route to high technological level   and soon there won't be any use for spirits magic though we lived this long on magic power we do not have an unlimited supply of it for us immortal  species , magicules that slowly run out is a life threatening matter .                basically   they suggested to create a  territory and live on the energy  in the physical world  permanently instead of forming contracts and the likes , simply put it is a great idea   I could create a separate realm where I'll leave my energy  to flourish  awhile  I send  someone to be a merchant  and messenger .                                                                                          Awhile  I was on it I also thought of some other interesting idea , of course as there no reason to not accept  the suggestion  I'd agreed  but I didn't forget  to mention an order at the topic , the order is                                 { 'Do not meddle  until I announce else' }  and so I dismissed all the nobles from the room.




After  I gone throughout the Schedule of a daily life king  I finally have time to myself in the huge bath  , like it's really huge like really really huge , if I were to compare it in size then  from my point of view it's like an ocean  but it's surely much less in size  .  

It's really relaxing here  .       .      .    『1 hour and half have passed』  a maid  have entered   the room , 'your majesty bath time has been over for  some time now '  the maid who waiting for response  has opened her eyes  to see his highness floating in the bath  as she this abnormal scene  she flatly thought of  the thing ended in the following order  * his majesty swimming around the bath for some time and then ! pouf !  dried fish scene  * the maid  smirked in a cute way !~ ,  dressed and princess carried  his majesty to his bedroom  the maid had quite the obsession  to cute kids so she could hold back and goodnight kiss his majesty sleeping kid phase.  

As the morning sun rises  Rys hear weird sounds  and go to the balcony  and  withstand  the capital get taken over by evil spirit and good spirit alike simply put a 『REVOLUTION 』.


note: hope you enjoy I know it is a short chapter for a long wait time and I appreciate all the votes  so I can only apologize  .

I'm not sure If  I should  continue this with the low  people who  reading or commenting  so any idea to advertise or how to make  more people reading the sires  any idea is welcomed .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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me who manipulate and control Yggdrasil and all spirits realm under my orderWhere stories live. Discover now