chapter five

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Sarah was super stressed about revealing her pregnancy to her best friends.

They returned home from their grandparents and they immediately wanted to know if Sarah was okay. She couldn't lie to them anymore. So, today, she finally found the courage to reveal her secret.

She was in Nick's room, waiting for Chris. Nick was already there, impatient and nervous because his best friend was 'miserable' this month and he wanted to find out if she's okay. Chris went inside the bedroom, closed the door and sat quietly, waiting for her to start.
"So uhm... do you remember at my birthday party one month ago when I told you I just slept alone in my room because I was exhausted from all the chaos?" the boys nodded their heads and let the girl continue her story.

"I lied. I got drunk and slept with someone.. I promise I didn't want to, I swear I didn't want to! I just.. I felt awful and after what happened with Jacob, I just couldn't stop myself. I don't want you to think of me as someone who sleeps with someone else a few hours after she broke up" the girl continues nervously. "Before you say anything else, please let me finish. This is super hard for me and I want to finish before I change my mind." she takes a few deep breaths and continues again, "Ten days after the party I started puking every morning for at least two weeks. I couldn't take it anymore so I booked an appointment with Dr. Holland".

"...So turns out I... I'm..." she lets out a shaky breath, "I'm pregnant" she forces that sentence out of her mouth. She watches closely the boys' faces, waiting for some sort of reaction. Their eyes were wide and Chris's jaw dropped.

After a few minutes of silence, the boys finally recovered from the shock and they hugged their best friend. She let out a breath of relief and hugged her two best friends closer to her, tighter. She started crying, she's being wanting to tell them for so long and now that she knows they'll support her, she finally feels happy.

"Sarah.. You should've told us sooner. We love you, of course we'll support you and we'll be here for you. It must've been so hard for you.. Thank you for trusting us enough to tell us something this huge" Nick says comforting his best friend. "Thank you so much guys. I love you. Very very much. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I was in shock and I needed to be sure of everything before I started telling people about it. Thank you for being supportive" Sarah replies with tears streaming down her face.

"Sar.. We love you, of course we'd be supportive. We're going to be with you throughout this journey and we're not leaving your side unless you want us to" Chris says with adoration in his eyes. "I have to tell Mary Lou and Jim. I can't hide this from them, they're like my second parents" Sarah admits to her best friends. "Of course, I'm 100% sure they'll love a grandchild around" Nick jokes to lighten the mood. Sarah completely froze after that sentence. She thought that Nick knew who the father was. She believed that Matt had told his brothers about that night. She was terrified.

"Sarah? Hey, are you okay?" Chris shakes the girl's shoulders, "Uhmm.. yes.. I just didn't understand what Nick said" she lied, trying to hide her fear. "Oh. I meant that mom thinks of you as a daughter more than just our friend and she would treat the child as her own grandchild. Sorry I wanted to lighten the mood, I didn't mean to startle you" Nick apologized. "No, no! You don't have to apologize, I was confused that's all" Sarah tries to hide her embarrassment with a chuckle.

Alright. We're almost done, the girl thought, the only people left are Mary Lou, Jim and Justin.

And Matt...

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