Gryffindor Party

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Cackling echoed through the hall as six Slytherin students raced down the hall. Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Gregory Crab, Vincent Goyle and Y/n L/n. No, they should not have been out. Nor should they be trying to sneak into a Gryffindor party. But tonight was a day they could get away with it. The Gryffindor's had invited everyone, though there was an unspoken rule that most Slytherins were not invited. But who would care? Everyone was probably having too good of a time to care if a few unwelcome guests slithered in.

The idea had mainly been Y/n and Malfoy's. Crab and Goyle would follow Malfoy everywhere and Pansy probably had a crush on Malfoy. It took Y/n an entire day to convince Zabini to come along, he was always a stick in the mud. But after Y/n had sworn that she would buy him candy from Honeydukes, he agreed.

The journey did not go as well as you had hoped. On the third floor Peeves was dropping eggs on the heads of unfortunate passers by.

"Of all the nights." Disgusting. Blaise spat in disgust. You looked down at your robes to see that they were mercifully dry. Pansy sneered at him and Draco anxiously looked around.

"C'mon I don't wanna be late." You got to your feet and were quick to race down the hall.

"Wait!" Everyone ran after you.

"What?" You asked, looking back.

"We need to be careful!" Blaise caught up to you. But you didn't wait to argue, the Gryffindor tower was just up ahead. You walked up to the door. The Fat Lady was drinking heavily from a goblet.

"Well, aren't you going to say password?" She slurred. Instead you knocked, knowing someone would let you in.

The scene was absolutely wild. Students from multiple houses were practically trashing the common room. The Weasley twins had set off fireworks, Percy was sobbing in the corner (probably because of the mess), and some blonde kid was on the chandelier.

Awesome! You grinned. Pulling an unwilling Zambini inside, you joined the throng.

It was mayhem. You were surrounded by a sea of scarlet and gold. The radio was turned up so loud you could feel the vibration in your bones. Somehow you found yourself dancing with Lee Jordan. You were chugging down Butterbeer with Pansy as Draco looked on in between horror and disgust.

"Honestly, no one would take you for a pureblood." Pansy huffed and flounced away.

"You belong to the L/N family. You have to act in accordance with your station! I think it is very important to behave in accordance. For example, my family- "

You grabbed both of Draco's cheeks. Giving him a silly smile, you giggled.

"Draco, we all know you come from a long line of ferrets." You grinned. At this point Draco had enough. After muttering that he was most certainly not a descendant of ferrets (contrary to what Ron Weasley would have you believe), he stalked off. Likely he had gone to find Crab and Goyle. Looking at the clock you saw it was twelve. Maybe it was time to head back?

"Are we going back now?" Zabini hissed in your ear, causing you to jump.

"I reckon we should. Where's everyone else?" You looked around to see Draco, Crab and Goyle in a corner.

Alright. I'll go find Pansy. Get those three and wait by the door. You slipped through the crowd and eventually found her looking out on the grounds.

"Pansy, it's time to go." She followed your lead and both of you headed to the exit.

"Where's Zabini?" You could only see Draco, Crab and Goyle. He already left.

"What?!" You rushed out the door. Zabini couldn't go out alone, he might be caught! The four of you cautiously snuck down to the dungeons. Hopefully Zabini didn't run into any trouble.

He ran this way. A voice growled. Everyone froze. It was Filch. You guys moved behind a statue. Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder. You jumped. But looking behind you, it was Zabini.

"Oh thank Salazar." You caught your breath, heart beating painfully.

"Filch caught me just as I entered the Great Hall. He didn't see who it was, only that I was there. Damn it!" Zabini hissed.

"How are we going to get out of this!?" Draco whimpered. Suddenly you had an idea. A firecracker was hidden in your robes. You had brought it just in case.

"Okay, guys I have a plan."

This would either go very well or very badly. Filch was prowling a floor bellow, so you would have to be quiet. The rest hid in the shadows.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" The firecracker levitated in the air. You let it float six floors about before setting it on the landing. Then you flicked your wand.

BAM! a n explosion echoed around Hogwarts castle, getting the attention of everyone resident. Immediately an uproar was heard. Teachers and students spilled up onto the landing about. People passed the statue, not sparing it a glance. With ease, everyone was able to slip into the crowd.

"Who started that!?"

"You don't think we are under attack?"

"Nah, I bet it was Peeves."

The six of you snickered as you slipped away. 

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