Chapter Twenty-Three

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Lucy POV (Wedding Day)

I slowly open my eyes, waking up due to the sunlight coming through the window. At first I'm confused, this isn't my room and I'm alone in bed but I soon remember it's our wedding day. I stayed in my old room, lucky we cleaned it up a little. I just take a moment to let everything sink in. The last few days with Yelena have been wild, bringing up a lot of memories but I'm glad she's here and I'm glad she's Nat's sister. I wouldn't have survived the red room without her. Of course with that also means there has been a lot of vodka drunk too, feeling my head thump slightly I'm starting to regret the shots I did last night.

"You better be awake!" I hear someone pounding on my door and Wanda yelling at me through it. Wanda is leaving before everyone else to make sure the venue is ready, but she's helping me till Maria arrives to help me get ready, of course Yelena is helping Nat.

"Stop yelling" I reply back to her while getting out of bed and opening the door. She just looks at me before taking my hand and pulling me from my room towards hers.

"What's with the rush? We have ages" I say as I get into her room. I take a seat on her couch waiting for her to answer.

"Yeah but we have loads to do, starting with breakfast, Nat said I have to make sure you eat due to the amount of vodka you ordered for the party" she answers while pulling a table over, already set up with cutlery.

"Well technically I'm Russian, so is Yelean and Nat, then Bucky and Steve are super soldiers and can drink a lot too. Tony just loves to drink and I've never seen Thor drunk either so I was just playing it safe" I responded while looking at the table.

"I guess I'm "making" breakfast then?" I ask, pointing to the table.

"Yeah well you and Nat can't see each other till later, and you can make food so she's allowed in the kitchen for today, so come on I'm hungry" she replies while picking up her knife and fork and just staring at me. I focus my mind and I see two plates of waffles and bacon appear on the table in front of us both along with cups of coffee and orange juice. She starts eating and I try to but I just feel sick.

"You have nothing to worry about" she says with her mouth full of waffle, I chuckle at her.

"Just guess it's nerves" I brush it off and manage a few more mouth fulls before Wanda finishes the rest of my plate. We chill around her room for a few hours before we hear a knock at the door around 1pm.

"Who is it?" Wanda asks, getting up near the door ready to block it in case it's Nat.

"Maria, who else? You told me 1pm" she answers while Wanda opens the door before locking it behind her. Maria makes her way over to me and pulls me into a hug before sitting next to me on the couch while we watch Wanda grab her many bags and dress.

"Right I'm off, I'll get ready there. Both of your dresses are hanging up, shoes in the closet. The car is picking you both up at 2:30pm, do not be late, I will kill both of you on your wedding day or not!" She says while giving us the evils with her hands on her hip.

"I won't be late, promise. Going for a shower right now" I say getting up and giving her a quick hug before getting into the bathroom. I get under the hot water and wish I could enjoy it but I can't stay here all day. I get washed and get out. Throwing on some underwear before putting on the gown that Wanda left for me. I go back into the bedroom to see Maria is nearly all ready apart from her dress.

"Sit down, we have an hour to do make-up and your hair" Maria tells me quite sternly, I take my seat quickly while she starts on my hair. She dries it all and curls it for me, most of it is left down but she pins my sides and the top so it doesn't fall into my face later. Next comes the make-up and after much argument with her and Wanda last week I agreed to wear some but only a little, going with a natural look. Maria takes a step back and looks me over.

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