Daytona 500 race

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Eliana: well Erin and Gianna here we are the Daytona 500.
Erin: I still can't get over the fact that your boyfriend was offered a racing contract for Cup Series most do xfinity series then cup series sometime after.
Eliana: well girls I haven't told you guys this he was offered a racing contract for 23XI which is owned by Michael Jordan and Denny Hamlin.
Gianna: no way how?
Eliana: Denny was at the arca east championship race supporting his childhood best friend who came in second place but his friend likes the arca east series so much that he's turned down xfinity series racing contract offers cause he wants to stay with arca east series.
Erin: no way! Wow that's crazy. How did my brother react when Gavin told him Denny Hamlin and Michael Jordan's racing team 23XI offered him a racing contract?
Eliana: he was extremely excited and shocked at the same time. Cause something like this has never happened before.
Eliana spots
Gavin and Ryan and William walking towards them.
Gavin: Eliana?? OMG
Gavin runs up to Eliana.
Gavin: hey baby. You got a vip pass to come to the race?
Eliana: yes I got it 4 months ago. I told you I wasn't going to cover up me coming and surprising you.
Gavin: aww this is the best surprise ever.
Gavin and Eliana share a kiss.
Erin: aww young love. I still don't get how they started dating in 6th grade our first year in middle school and have been together since.
Gavin: well Erin it was love at first sight for me. I have and always will do anything to see Eliana Happy. Cause that's how much I love her.
Eliana: aww baby I love you too. You've gotten more handsome as the years have gone by.
Gavin: aww thank you baby. So have you.
Eliana: aww.
William: okay guys enough of the sweet talking. Opening ceremonies start in 10 minutes.
Gavin's phone rings
Gavin: hello?
Mark Desoto: Gavin where the heck are you?
Gavin: oh sorry Mark my girlfriend came and surprised me. Trust me you'll like her personality. I've been dating her since 6th grade love at first sight.
Mark Desoto: well get you two over here opening ceremonies in 7 minutes.
Gavin: okay we're on our way.
William: so?
Gavin: i was ordered by my crew chief to get over by my race car opening ceremonies in 6 minutes so gotta go. Gavin walks off fast.
Gavin: common Eliana.
Eliana: okay coming.
Eliana: speed walks to catch up to Gavin
Eliana: I've gtg Gavin you'll see why in a few minutes.

National anthem time:
Mike joy: attention racing fans please welcomes up and coming singer songwriter Eliana Leblanc who's also the girlfriend of 23XI teams newest driver Gavin Lockwood. She will be singing our national anthem today and please welcome the Daytona beach national guard who are presenting our nations colors.

Music starts then Eliana starts belting
Oh say can you see
By the dawns early light
What's so proudly we held (Eliana holds the note)
The crowd is standing in complete shock
At the twilights last gleaming
Who's brought strips and bright stars through the perilous fight
O're the ramparts we'd watch were so gallantly streaming
And the rockets red glare (holds note)
The bombs bursting in air (holds note)
Gave proof( holds note)
Through the night that our flag was still there
O say does that star spangled banner yet wave (holds note)
O're the land of the free (holds note for 15 seconds)
And the home of the brave (holds note for 25 seconds)

The crowd erupts into loud cheers

Mark Desoto: OMG what! Gavin is dating a women who can sing the national anthem better than Whitney Huston. Im in complete shock.

Mark: hey Gavin how did  your girlfriend just belt that out loud and proud.
Gavin: my girlfriend is specially talented. She's like an opera singer almost. Oh and she was in the high schools opera choir and was one of the best ones in the choir actually she was the best singer in the whole entire opera choir. I didn't know how she got a talent as big as that. Until my girlfriends dad told her something he should of told her years ago. She always thought her mom was a marketing executive. But she was so wrong her dad said her mom is non other than Whitney Huston. Her dad dated her in college and she got pregnant had the baby. Then decided she wasn't ready to be a mom and dumped her on Elianas  dad. Elianas dad decided to cover up that part of how she was born. Of course Eliana was not happy he kept that from her. She was like no wonder I can sing like Whitney Huston but x2 better than her. I got her powerful singing voice gene.

Mike joy: we're down to the final 5 laps let's check in with our race leader who's been leading the whole entire race
Clint Bowyer: Gavin are yoy there?
Gavin: yes I am Clint Bowyer.
Clint Bowyer so gavin what's your strategy to finish the race strong?
Gavin: yeah I've been pushing my way along not letting anyone get in my way of winning. Also the talent you heard out of my girlfriend comes from her mom who Elianas dad kept a secret from her growing up. Her mom is non other than Whitney Huston. Elianas dad dated Whitney Huston in college for two years. Elianas dad and Whitney Huston were out one night with friends got drunk and then Whitney ended up getting pregnant. She gave birth to Eliana 9 months later. She decided she was not ready to be a mother so she dumped Eliana on Elianas dad and left Elianas dad basically broke up with him.
Clint Bowyer is in complete shock
Gavin: well I better go now Clint. Thanks for the talk.

Mike joy: the 1 lap to go flag has been waved.
Clint Bowyer: it all comes down to this Gavin and Ryan Blaney are neck and neck
Gavin Leatherwood  and Ryan Blaney cross the finish line. The crowd can't tell who won.
Mike joy: wow what a finish.
Clint Bowyer: I just got word that Gavin Leatherwood beat out Ryan Blaney by just  a second. This is the most impressive finish in Daytona 500 history ever.
Mike joy: well there you have it America Gavin Leatherwood wins at Daytona 500 and scores his first Cup Series Career win ever. Oh and the fact that his girlfriend is freaking blood related to Whitney Huston. No wonder the national anthem was belted so loud and proud. She's definitely got her mothers powerful singing voice gene that's for sure.

After the race victory lane ceremonies are done.

Gavin: walks away from victory lane. Denny sees Gavin and calls him over:
Denny: your crew chief told me your girlfriend is freaking related to Whitney Huston explained what you told him. Im in complete shock but on the other hand I see that's why she belted the national anthem. She got her mothers powerful singing voice gene.
Gavin: yep thats where she got it. She wondered one day how she sings so good that she asked her dad more about her mom and then her dad confessed he's been lying about how her mom really is he told her and explained everything. And Eliana was pissed at her dad that he kept that from her all these years. He said I didn't tell you cause If I did it would cause a society frenzy and then you'd have paparazzi on your ass all the time. So that's why he kept it from her so she could have a normal life without the paparazzi spotlight.
Denny: wow that's strange but then again I get her dads reasons for keeping it from her too.

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