Potions Glorious Potions

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A/n_______sorry I lost Internet for bout 2 weeks =^.^= please comment and say if you like it. Sorry its a tad long. =^.^=If I get anything wrong (Harry potter wise) please tell me and I'll change it =^.^=

Enjoy my sassy wombats ;)


" Hi. I'm dan. You must be Phil?" he smiled and stretched out his hand for me to shake it. What? He knows my name. What? I'm a nobody why would he know my name. Maybe Professor Slughorn told him. Yeah that's it, Professor Slughorn told him.

Dan was looking at me funny and I realised I had zoned out and he had be standing there with his hand out for a minute or two so I quickly shook it and said hi.

Luckily professor Slughorn walked in at that moment. I turned towards him so Dan couldn't see that I was as red as a tomato.

Dans POV

I wonder who is the other student is. I hope it's Phil. I saw him looking at me at Lunch. But as soon as I looked at him he looked away. I blushed and thought I saw him blush. Probably not though. He's so handsome.

Shut up Dan. Your straight. You like girls. You even have a girlfriend Grace. But I've never really like her, actually now i think about it she's quite ugly. I only go out with her so I don't look like the llama loving weirdo. I was learning over the table thinking about Phil when I hear a noise behind me. Oh great, I'm stuck with a clumsy twat. I turn around to see Phil standing there staring at me.

Do I have something on my face??

I remembered where I was and quickly said, "Hi. I'm Dan. You must be Phil?" I held out my hand for him to shake it. He just stared at me. I didn't do anything but stare back noticing even more features. Like his bright blue eyes that you can't notice from across the Great Hall. I started thinking about my feelings for him and I all of a sudden got butterfly's in my stomach.

I don't like him, I'm straight. Well I thought I was. I can't be Gay though I find girls attractive. Anyway I'm 99% sure Phil's straight so It wouldn't make a difference even if I did like him. I was extremely puzzled by the feelings for him.

Suddenly he came out of his daze and quickly said hi and shook my hand, which I realised I had been holding out the entire time. At that moment Professor Slughorn came in and Phil turned to face him. But not quick enough so I could see the redness spreading though his face which automatically made me go bright as well. It looked like we had both run here.

Phil's POV

Oh no he probably thinks I'm a weirdo. I'm so stupid and I'm sure he's straight.

"Hello boys. I see you have introduced yourselves to each other. Phil have you run here because there was no need your 15 minutes early?" Professor Slughorn asked.

I went redder and quickly said in an almost whisper "No sir"

Dan suddenly said "He tripped over" I went redder.

"Oh well I am glad your ok. Now the task at hand is to brew some Liquid Luck." Seeing the shock on our faces he said, "Now I know it's hard but with both of your brains and knowledge of Potions. I think you could do it and if you brew it right you both with get A* s on your OWL Exams even if you fail them." He winked at us, so we knew not to tell anyone. " If you want to rather do this than do the OWL revision then the dungeons are free for the next 2 weeks at this time. Good LUCK." he laughs at his own joke but we stayed quiet. "I will come back in half an hour to check on your work. Oh and here are the instructions!" and with that he left the dungeons.

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