Chapter 3

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Eric Halliran, Crown Prince of Nereidia, Hunter of Mermaids and Killer of Beasts, scowled at his mother's tone.

"Well?" she said, seated atop her throne. Her crown, an assortment of jewels and gold, reflected the light of the sunset shining through the windows, and her deep blue dress seemed to glimmer in the rays of the sun.

Eric sighed and looked out the window, past the beach and toward the ocean. He should be out there by now, searching for his kingdom's salvation.

But instead, he was answering his mother's questions about his voyage, trapped in this palace by the sea.

One day, he thought. One day, and then he would feel the sea-kissed wind on his face, chasing that horizon as he raced to save his kingdom.

"We haven't found someone yet," he said. "But even if we don't, we leave in the afternoon tomorrow. I'll go out in the morning and see if I can aid in the hunt."

Ironic, really, that he was called the Hunter, and this was what he was doing.

"And when will you return?"

The concern in her voice made him pause, and for a moment, she was not Queen Rowena of Nereidia, but rather a mother of two, doing the best she could while managing a kingdom by herself.

"No longer than a few months," he promised. "Sooner, if we can find someone who knows about the waters surrounding the Heart."

His mother frowned. "I worry for you, Eric," she said. "You are the Crown Prince of Nereidia—you have duties here, and your people... They have been through enough in these past years."

Eric's heart broke at the grief on his mother's face. His people were not the only ones to grieve the past few years, and Eric would do anything to make sure his mother, his sister, never had to grieve again.

"Mom," he said, and his mother met his eyes. "This will be the last journey where you will ever have to worry if I will return or not." His voice was as gentle as the waves lapping against the shore as he spoke, trying to alleviate her fears. "With that necklace, our people will be safe, our trade routes secure, and the seas will be open to us once again. I promise."

He was not a fool—he knew that his trip would be dangerous, knew that there was a very real possibility that he would not return. But he had to do this—for his kingdom, for his people, for his family. He would gladly risk his life if it ensured the safety of Nereidia.

Queen Rowena smiled faintly, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "And what of your sister?" she said, and Eric almost flinched. "Leilani's birthday is in two months—she'll be crushed if you miss her party."

"I'll bring her a present from my voyage," Eric said. "And if I succeed—which I will—then it will be the only and last party of hers that I ever miss."

Her smile softened. "I'm going to miss you, my son," she said.

"Not as much as I'll miss you," Eric replied.

"And I expect a letter every month," his mother continued.

Eric laughed. "I'll send word every two weeks, if you wish."

The queen only scoffed and waved a hand, though she was smiling widely now. "Go. Prepare your crew. You have a busy day tomorrow."

Eric bowed, shooting one last glance out the window and at the ocean beyond.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"How'd it go?"

Eric glanced at his first mate as he left the throne room, a slight smile on his face. Jim was leaning against the wall, perfectly at ease despite the guards standing on either side of the doors. His brown hair was tied back in a short ponytail, and a rapier was sheathed at his side. Save for the royal guards, there were very few people permitted this close to the queen, and even fewer still when they were armed. But Jim had grown up with Eric—had saved his life more times than he could count, in more ways than one. And Jim's mother, who ran the most popular tavern in the kingdom, had befriended Queen Rowena when she was working as a castle cook. The two women had gotten along thick as thieves, despite their differing positions, and when Jim's mother had left the castle, she and Queen Rowena had remained in constant contact. Jim was as much Eric's brother as Leilani was his sister.

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