13. Growing Pains

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     Every day felt more and more like a nightmare. Arabella found little solace in the halls she once called home. Hogwarts felt cold. Though the couple was able to keep the basilisk at bay she feared the eminent interference of the Gaunts. Her husband was growing more and more wary, his every waking moment spent worrying. Ominis seemed rather quiet the last few days. She worried for him.
     "Darling?" She questions as she walks up behind him. He was hunched over his papers, grading away.
"Hello dearest." Ominis greets her, his mouth tugging upwards in a subtle smile.
"How is grading going?" She questions, her hands kneeding at his shoulders tenderly.
"Almost too long. But I shall be done shortly." He thrns his head in her direction. Her chocolate eyes meet his cloudy ones as she lets out a soft breath.
     "Have you spoke to Selene?" She questions.
"Not yet. She has been avoiding me. Would you do me a favor my love? I was supposed to meet Sebastian tonight. I fear I may not make it. Will you head to the three broomsticks and keep him company?" Ominis questions as he takes her hand in his own, tenderly kissing the back of it.
"Yes my dear. Poor Sallow needs a friend tonight I am sure." She giggles softly. With a soft kiss against his crown she stands and gathers her coat. Soon she is on the path to Hogsmeade. The evening air caresses her cheeks. The sun was beginning to set, the sky vibrant hues of warm colors. The valley was always so beautiful. It reminded her of why she liked being at Hogwarts. Though she could not escape her father here she felt safer in the Scottish Highlands. He couldn't be as cruel at his job. Soon enough she reaches the bridge to cross into Hogsmeade. The small village was bustling like always. The lively chatter of witches and wizards rings in her eyes. Arabella tucks a piece of her raven hair behind her ear as she nears the three broomsticks. With a deep breath she opens the door. She find Sebastian in a corner, a butterbeer in hand.
     "Arabella? Don't tell me your husband is flaking on me." Sebastian chuckles when he spots the pale girl.
     "I am afraid he is." She giggles as she sits down across from him. She slowly peels off her jacket, her hand resting against her baby bump.
     "At least you are good company." He chuckles and sips his drink.
     "I am surprised Eva isn't here." Arabella glances around.
     "She has been so focused on work I hardly see her myself." Sebastian sighs into his mug.
     "You don't sound very happy about that. Are you ok?"
     "She doesn't seem as interested in our relationship as I wish she was." Sebastian sighs. "Maybe I am not doing enough. I don't know."
     "You do plenty Sebastian. I don't know why she wouldn't want to spend time with you." She looks at him sadly, the weight of his emotions bearing down on her.
     "You know in school Ominis was head over heals for her. I mean why wouldn't he be? I liked her a lot. She liked me even more. I had a thing for you but you never talked so I just stashed it away and chose her." He admits.
     "A thing for me?" Arabella asks, a bit shocked by his revelation. Was Ominis aware of his previous affection for his wife?
     "It was a bit stupid really. Don't tell Ominis I said that." He chuckles nervously, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. Sebastian felt stupid in his admittance. Why would he say such a thing to her? After all this time. He loved Eva. Arabella was married to his best friend. "Forget I said anything Bella." Sebastian waves his hand a bit.
     "Why would I want to forget? It's not like it effects us now. You love Eva. I love Ominis. We are very different people now. We have grown from those times. No need to be ashamed of who we were." She reassures him. Arabella was perfectly content in their friendship.
     "You're right. Just makes me wonder if things would be different. But you and Ominis are good for eachother. You bring out the best in one another. I hope me and Eva work things out. I don't think I could live without her now." Sebastian sighs and gives her a tender smile.
     "I do as well. You both will figure things out. I just know it." Arabella returns his smile, her hand enveloping his. "We all struggle. Especially when it comes to love. You guys will be ok. I just know it."
     "Thanks Bella." He squeezes her hand back, a soft appreciation in his eyes.
     "Any time Seb." She smiles.
     "It's beginning to get dark out. Let me walk you back to the castle." Sebastian rises from his seat and helps her up. He assists her in pulling her jacket on before offering her his arm. She takes it and allows him to lead her from the pub. Twilight had begun to settle over the village. Arabella glances up at the newly visible stars. They were all home.
     "You ever wonder it we will ever catch a break?"
     "I pray to Merlin for it all the time." Sebastian glances at her as they walk.
     "I worry Ominis may break under the stress." She sighs as they round a corner in the path.
     "He will be just fine Bella. He is stronger than he looks. Trust me on that." Sebastian tries to reassure her as best he can.
     "What if it isn't enough?" She looks at him, her eyes brimming with tears.
     "I assure you it is." He looks down at her, his heart aching for her. He knew Ominis always worried himself into the ground. He feared it would happen once more. Best he could do was support both him and Arabella. That he made a promise to do this very night. He would never let them both fall into dispair or danger. That he was certain of. The remainder of the walk was silent. The only sound the soft echoes of their heals against the cobblestone.

A/N: Sorry for such a long break on this book! I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter! I hope to start publishing it again more regularly! ~Jay❤️

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