meet my enemy

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Noah's pov:

I moved to my new room at my new nigh school and I will have a roommate and apparently it will be a guy I wish it was a girl can't lie because of my boyfriend Dean Couse he is usually over protective when it comes to guys but I will do something to change rooms and get a girl roommate.

I went in my room and it was all so big it seemed more like a apartment it had two balconies one for me and the other for my roommate I went on my balcony to look at the Campus it was all so beautiful and elegant and Fancy and happy I could get a scholarship to get here I had to work alot to get it.

I look biside me and see a guy buttoning his shirt but I couldn't see his face probably as I was trying to see his face my phone started to ring it was my best friend Gwen and it was this really enjoying but kinda funny ring tone and I quickly answer the phone and the guy went inside "so funny Gwen" I say laughing "I know right" she says laughing back "how do I delete it" I say "don't you dare I want you to hate me" she says and i got confused "hats you?" I ask "yes so you don't die of missing me" she answerers.

"Well to bad I Aredy miss you" I say acting sad "me too, what you doing though" she says "Im hungry I didn't eat all day" I say opening the fridge "there's nothing to eat" I close the fridge door and and I drop my phone "shit" I say and I see a beautiful guy whit brown eyes brown eyes white t-shirt and jeans "maybe ramen? Strudel?" He says and I still stay in shock don't say nothing "you must be noah" he says how the fuck dose he know my name but I don't know his.

"Yea and you are?" I finally say "seriously" he says and then someone comes in the room "hey nick still on for tonight" a guy says he had black curly hair and around it a red ribbon "ohh I didn't know you have a guest" he says looking at me and the guy next to me nick? "She's not a guess how you say she's my new roommate and bisides she's not my type lion" he says and I look at him furious "yes and now I'm Leaving safe" I say and leave back in my room.

Nick's pov:

After meeting my new roommate noah I was kinda shocked how good she looked but she is not my type or so I think after lion my best friend we know eachothers for long time now since we were little me him and his girlfriend Jenna we always were there for eachothers they both are like my siblings.

Today is a party and how everyone says there's no party without nick.

"Nick your new roommate is good looking bro" lion said "I like women's not girls whit braids" I say putting on a shirt getting ready on the party
"Mann you are so weird" he says laughing "well it's true" I say laughing back but I don't know she is really pretty. Nick what the fuck you thinking did I just call a girl pretty what the hell is happening to me.

Noah's pov:

After the meeting whit nick I kinda started to hate that guy he seems such a dickhead but a sexy dickhead noha what the fuck you have a boyfriend and he said your not his type then a knock put me out of my thoughts I go and open the door of the doorm and I see dean my boyfriend he smiles at me and I jump in his arms "baby your here" I say and he pulls away and kisses me on my cheek "yes I am I wanted to see my girlfriend and meet your new roommate" he says and my smile drops "dean I have to tell you something" I say "go on" he says but before I could say something nick comes out of his room whit lion "Nick?" Dean says "dean?" Nick says " you two know eachothers?" I ask "how can't I not know my own brother" dean says and I stay in shock I never knew he even had a brother " brother?" I say "yes noah your roommate is my brother" I say and nick comes next to me and hugs Dean.

"You never told me you have a brother" I say "sorry baby I never had time" he says "baby?" Nick says "yeah nick I think you aredy met my girlfriend noah" dean says "I thought you are dating g-" before nick could say something dean puts his hand over his mouth.

"What's he's on about" I say Curious who he's talking about and who's the Girls name that starts at G... "I think hes drunk" dean says and I nod.


Hi my beautiful people this story is something like culpa Mia my favourite Spanish movie but I made it a little different and I don't own the characters!! Btw thank you your all y'alls support for mi amor thank you for the views ❤️

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