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Noah's pov:

I got out of the class last class of the day finally but it even makes nervous Couse i would have to see nick, the second person I do not want to see.

I get into the door of our doorm and see nick sleeping on the couch whit a bottle of wine in his hand it's only 5:30pm what's wrong whit this guy?.

I walk slowly trying not to wake him up as I'm half way through to my room I hear a voice "noah" I hear nick saying in a sleepy voice and I run in my room.

Before I could close the door nick was Aredy in the door way "Nickolas leave me alone" I say "did you just call me Nickolas?" He asks "yeah and?" I reply "say that again" he says "what?" I ask confused "say Nickolas again" he replied "Nikolas-" before I could finish my sentence his lips were on mine taking my breath away.

Before I know it I'm on my bed whit him on top of me "say my name freckles" nick says "Nickolas" I moan out as he nips on my neck and I could feel him smiling.

And sunedly he stopped " see you can't resist me" he says smirking still on top of me " you know what" I ask "what" he replys and I trow him down the bed and I roll of and run into the bath room as he laughs on the floor.


_______________2 days after ______________

I didn't see nick since the day we was kissing and today is a party at one of my friends house and I dicide to go.

I wore my black leather dress whit my black heels and some rings and my neckless and I stepped out of the room and went in the kitchen and got water as I was drinking I see nick coming out of his room whit nothing but only a towel and I choked on the water I was drinking.

He looks at me and looks confused "where are you going" he asks looking at me like he's seeing some art piece and trying to figure out what is it.

"Jenna's party why do you care"I Say and he walk up to me and my eyes just shift to his beautiful 6 pack.

And he smiles and grabs my chin and brings my eyes to him "my eyes are here, freckles" he say well no shit wasn't looking for your eyes...

"Move Nickolas Lister" I say trying to get away but he grabs my waist and sats me on the kitchen counter and my heart wants to jump from my body.

"Nick what the fuck put me down" I say even tho I was on the counter he was still 9 inches taller than me "and why should I do that?" He asks " Couse i said it" I say trying to get down but he was holding down on my hips and I could not move.

And then I hear a cough and I look into the door frame to see jenna and lion standing there giggling

And I get down whit in 0.1 second "nick get fucking dressed what the fuck are you still doing in a towel" Lion says as he pulls him into nicks room.

"Well Noah what was that" Jenna says whit a wide smile "nothing" I say blushing realising what have happened.


Sorry for not posting for so long had lot to do 🥲

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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