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Guess who literally forgot about this babes. Yikes yikes yikes here's chapter 2 I'm sorry

Prompt: Leave Me Alone

It started slowly. 

Arisu would spend almost every day with Kousei, talking about anything and everything, or even nothing at all. Although Arisu still lived with his father and brother, he always found himself in Kousei's home, curled into his side as they watched a movie or just hung out. Kousei was kind as always, showering him with affection and love and gifts. It filled him with happiness.

He would sometimes gush about the lavish dates he got to go on to his friends, always with a burning face and love stricken grin. This was his very first relationship, after all. They would nod along with half-interest and patiently wait for him to finish. He didn’t blame them, though, as he remembered being in their shoes after Kuina and Ann made it official. 

Chishiya seemed the least willing to put up with his stories, although the man never outright said it. Arisu didn't mind it, though, because he usually felt wrong bringing up Kousei in his presence. It was an unexplainable feeling, one that confused him for a very long time. In the end, he just chose not to worry about it. He didn’t make many friends anyway, so it made sense that he just disliked the new addition to their close friend group. He enjoyed Chishiya's company without bringing his relationship up, and things worked out.

Kousei also didn't Chishiya, and had no issue telling him such. In fact, the man didn't seem to enjoy any of Arisu's company. He could understand that with Niragi and his well, everything, and to some extent Chishiya with his mischievous nature. But the girls? They were kind and caring to a fault, with only Ann being a bit off-putting. When he asked, Kousei only referred to them as a bad influence. 

As time went on, though, Arisu started to notice more and more comments about not just his friends, but him. They were small, and slow at first, but he noticed anyway.

"You shouldn't play so many games, staring at those screen can't be good," 

"Are you sure you still want to work there? I could get you something… better," 

"Those clothes make you look homeless, let me buy you something decent," 

"All those snacks are getting to you, love, maybe lay off them a bit?" 

"You should learn to cook and clean, aren't you in your 20s?" 

They were well-meaning, of course, as Kousei only wanted him to be happy. Nothing he said was with the intent to hurt. He should probably get some life skills, yes, and he knew his dressing style was lazy. He accepted it with grace, and grinned when he received more gifts as a result. Kousei made him happy, so shouldn't he try to do the same? To fulfill his wishes?

He took a moment, a tiny moment of weakness, to bring up one of the comments to Niragi during one of their late night project meetings. Niragi had plenty of sugary snacks and energy drinks on the table, with his unhealthy eating habits at their worst at night. Arisu usually had no issue snatching a few, a playful grin under the developer's muted glare. Tonight, however… Almost ashamedly, he asked if he looked fat.

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