Life of the Potter Family 

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After everyone finished the introducing themselves the screen turned on and something popped up on the screen ⬇️
(What popped up on the screen)

Everyone was confused on why it show it but left it alone and just waited if they would explain what it meant the screen then changed and showed potter manor "why are they showing my house" James asked "just wait dad" Harry told him

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Everyone was confused on why it show it but left it alone and just waited if they would explain what it meant the screen then changed and showed potter manor "why are they showing my house" James asked "just wait dad" Harry told him.

Inside it showed a woman who no doubt was the beautiful and famous Rose Potter everyone looked at her in awe and James looked at her with his jaw dropped "Merlin Rose-petal you look so beautiful how is it that every time I see you I ask myself how is it that you get more beautiful" he told her with so much love.

Rose blushed "thanks James" she told him with a smile and kissed him the kiss was filled with love and when they pulled away everyone except the Slytherin's smiled it was James's turn to blush and look away from everybody but Rose saw this and laughed at him.

Once everyone was quiet they went back to the movie and saw none other then James Potter walked through the door and smiled when he saw his wife who was holding Madelyn Lily Potter who was 1 years old and was clinging on to her mother.

Everyone laughed when they saw Madelyn clinging on to her mother in the movie and Madelyn looked away slightly embarrassed which surprised the future kids who know that she's quite confident and doesn't get embarrassed easily.

James:"Hello my Rose-Petal and hello to you Madelyn Rose looked up to the sound of her husband and smiled at him she also gave Madelyn to him so she could wash the dishes.

Rose:"Hey James"

she said and smiled seeing her husband and there first child together.

Everyone thought it was so cute and James smiled so did Rose.

Sorry this is a short chapter

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