after the meeting abigail's dad asked her to talk about something serious. and he told her that there will be a place that has castle of other regions.
"since i dont agree with that. they think that their child should take over the castle at the new castle. and you will officially be the princess of the moon at 16..."
abigail was only 9 years old when her father said that to her, she couldnt understand anything. so she just nodded and went back to her room
"son at the age of 16 you will be the prince of the sun kingdom..isnt it great? and remember i want you to make me proud. and if you ever failed to make me proud im very disappointed in know the consequenses right??"
the sun king asking his son theodore about it, he was too young to behave like a teenager to make his father proud.
all he wanted was be a normal kid with a normal life just like the humans in earth..he secretly reads books about humans and eart, and if his father knows about that.
{story by: Aadrivanya}{all that the sun kingdom thinks that the moon kingdom was a bad and evil kingdom. meanwhile the moon king understand about his daughter feelings and not like the sun king, who force his son to make him proud. and behave him like a teenager..we should say that their both the opposites kingdom}
abigail sits on her fathers lap and begin to imagining what she will look like if she was the princess of the moon, while her father supporting her.maybe the king of the moon is evil and nagging to everyone else, but his not like that to his own daughter. he might be a bad person but he was a caring father.
the sun king was so busy upgrading his kingdom everyday and all that theodore can do was read books about humans and earth, all that theodore wants was a loving and caring father. like abigail's father..
the sun king is caring and lovely to other peoples he likes to help other peoples and gives more attention to other people, but not his son. his a lovely and caring king but not a lovely and caring father.
*YEARS PAST BY, AND ITS THE DAY THAT THEY BECAME THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF THEIR OWN REGION.*"goodbye father, i'll miss you. dont worry i will make you proud just like you said!"
abigail said to her father with a smile on her face that full with so much joy, she's been waiting for this day for years.
"oh abigail, if you dont make me proud its okay..i just want to keep you safe. i dont want you to get hurt, if the sun kingdom did something to you tell me okay?"
"okay father"
abigail runs to her father and hugs him tight and her father hug her back even tho he seems disgusted with hugs.
abigail went to the spaceship and waves goodbye to her father and went to the new castle.theodore's father didnt even say goodbye anything to him and just said "go" theodore was sick of his father anyway and wanted to go away from him
they arrived at the new castle, when abigail arrived all the villagers bow down to her. since she was the new princess.
abigail enter her new castle with full of guards also bowing to her, and theres this one guard who puts a crown on top of her.
the crown was beautiful, it looks like she had imagined it since she was little. little did she know her father listen to all of her ideas on her crown. and made her dream crown
and after that all she can do was sit on her throne and one of her guards told her theres the king and queens universe meetup
abigail was so excited to meet the daughter of the star queen, estella. her old bestfriend. she quickly went out of her castle.
theres this meeting table that has a chair with our symbols on it, abigail sits on her chair and to her surprise beside her was a very attractive looking guy.
yep, its theodore. the son of the sun king. their eyes met eachother eyes and it was awkward silence, then estella suddenly hugs abigail from behind.
and because of that their 'awkward silent stare' was over, but theodore was secretly smiling because how cute abigail was.
Fantasythe moon kingdom and sun kingdom who were enemies since the war of the universe. and had an agreement with other regions that they will made a new castle that lives across eachother. so they can get closer together but the moon kingdom disagree sinc...