My Brother' reaction to Ep 11

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Okay so as a thoroughly obsessed fan of TMF I've dragged my brother through many episodes(as I've mentioned before) and he actually voluntarily watched this one because he was super excited that it would be over. 

He hates tmf (boo he has no taste) and when I told him that episode 11 was the last he got super happy and threw my jake plushie against the wall😒

Whenever episodes premiere he always says the weirdest/funniest things so I thought I would share some of his qoutes lmao

"Why does the gay one have yellow eyes? Does he have cancer?"

"Why does everyone in this show have huge eyes it's freaking me out"

"Stop swearing idiots. Proper education would supply you with more accurate and less crude ways to speak"

"Why is Jake going through all this to ask a girl out? She's mid."

"The green one( henry) is my favorite"

When Jake started singing: "Ooh disney princess moment"

"Hey Charlotte, can I tell you a secret?" *pauses for 10 seconds* "I think Sean is black"

"Why does the gay one have to share my name?"

"Why do you wait like 7 months to watch this, it's the same everytime. Some character acts emo and has a disney princess moment"


"Why is drew pinning the blue girl against the vending machine? I smell sexual tension."

"Bro why is everything so dramatic"

"I feel like I'm watching an episode of my little pony"

"Why does Jake's singing voice sound so different from his normal voice? He sounds french when he sings"

"Rosyclozy is really going to end the show with a cliffhanger isn't she. See, I told you don't get invested in this thing"

When rosy announced season 2: "NO NO NO NO NO YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING WHAT THE HECK😒😭"

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