Chapter 6

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Italics are thoughts, 1328 words. Enjoy xx

okay maybe i don't HATE this story but we'll see. I might do a random time jump at some point later on bc why not.


After collecting myself from the meltdown I was on the verge of I grabbed my phone from my bag and texted Chey.

From you:
Chey where the hell did you go last night?! You'll never guess what happened.

I walk into the bathroom and begin to get ready. The usual, shower, brush teeth, dry hair. Feeling a little extra today and I decide to curl my hair as well. I throw on some makeup to cover the hangover written on my face. I just wanna go back to bed. I sigh and go collect my things when I get a text

From Cheyanne <3:
Omg y/n/n I'm so sorry I got distracted talking to some guy and didn't even see you leave. Are you okay??

From you:
It's fine i just had a very... interesting night. I'll tell you in class. See you there.

I grab everything and head out the door. Once I turn on my car I put on my sunglasses in hopes that it'll help with the pounding headache. Wtf kind of hangover is this I have never felt this bad. I pull out and head to the facility.

After parking I begin walking in when I hear my name called behind me. "Y/N wait up!!" I turn and see Chey running towards me, i open my arms for a hug and wait for her to crash into me. She wraps her arms around me with a tight squeeze before pulling away and grabbing my face.

"You're okay? Did you go home with someone? Did you do... it?" I roll my eyes with a slight giggle due to her maturity level and she drops her arms.

"Yes I'm fine, yes I went home with someone, no I did not sleep with someone Chey. I did something... much much worse.." I look at her with embarrassment and she suddenly gasps.

"Y/N please tell me you didn't kill someone? I mean I'll help you hide the body but like I'd rather not to be honest..." she says with eyes wide. I roll my eyes again.

"Chey I'm serious this is a big deal!" I say with a whine. She finally stops messing around and holds my hand as we walk towards the building.

"Okay..." I explain everything in detail. The car ride. The talking. The helping me to bed. The ride this morning. Everything.

We finally arrive in class and take a seat. "But you like her right? So isn't that a good thing?" I sigh and look towards my fiddling hands.

"I don't know. I think i just embarrassed myself so much she'd never be able to look at me that way..." I say quietly as Chey squeezes my hand.

Suddenly everyone starts piling in and taking their seats. Then in walks in Emily. She walks to her desk and placed her things down and looks up to immediately make eye contact with me. I know I blushed and I guess she didn't notice as she just gave me a smile and continued on with class as if nothing happened.

We started on an assignment and as I worked I couldn't help but look up at Emily at her desk. The way her grey hair flowed over her shoulders, her hands flipping through papers while she looks at them with determination. I only looked away when I had focused my gaze on her eyes... which were staring back at me.

My eyes widened and I felt my whole body to red hot. I looked back at my paper and started writing. In the dead silence of work I hear the sound high heels coming closer. I squeeze my eyes together to anticipate what she could possibly say. But she doesn't say anything. She just looks at my work, smiles and nods, and continues walking.

Once class was finished I did everything in my power to pack as fast as possible but apparently it wasn't fast enough. "Miss Y/L/N, do you have a moment?" I hear Emily say. Chey gives me a shrug with an apologetic look before walking out of class

I sigh turn around to walk over to her desk. That's when I noticed her eyes wondering. I immediately looked down figuring there was something on my shirt but there was nothing. I look back at her and she seems flustered. Almost as flustered as I was.

"Is there something wrong Agent Prentiss?" I ask hesitantly. She looks at me with a bit of shock before continuing, "No no of course nothings wrong. I just wanted to ask you about your work. I read over part of your assignment as I passed by and I have to say it's incredible so far." I feel my face go bright red so I look down at my hands fiddling with my ring to hide it.

"Thank you, Agent Prentiss. I don't know how but this all feels very natural. Like this is what I'm meant to do." I say still looking at my hands.

I see her tilt her head in an attempt to make eye contact with me so I finally look back. She gives me an almost concerned look. "Look, Y/N I can see you understand what you're doing. On paper you make a fantastic profiler but based off your attitude and overall personality I've seen so far, I worry you've lived a life too pure to handle the workings of the field."

I can't help but let out a light laugh at the use of the word "pure". If she could hear the thoughts I've thought about her I doubt she'd still feel that way. She seems taken back by this action so I quickly add, "I'm sorry Agent Prentiss but, I can promise you despite my appearance and 'bubbly personality' I seem to have, I am anything but pure."

I suddenly realize the way that sounded. I mean it was true. But I didn't mean for it to come across like that. I look at her to see her almost smirk at my comment. I smile innocently as if I don't know the way I just announced my kinky history with one sentence.

She nods before standing up, "Well alright then, hopefully I'll get a chance to see more of this 'anything but pure' Y/N. You're free to go." I quickly say a thank you and rush out the door. I collapse on a bench in the hall and place my head in my hands.

Why did I say it like that?! Wait did she say she wanted to see more? There's no way that was a flirtatious comment... right? Like she was saying she wanted to see the side of me that can handle the field work. Yeah that's it.

After getting home and changing into some sweats and a black cropped tank top. As I walk over to my desk to work on an assignment I see an email come through.

Dear students,
As of next week we will begin in field training. You will all be set into pairs of two and invited to join the BAU on a case. Make sure you have a go-bag ready for whenever you get called in.

See you soon,
Emily Prentiss, BAU Unit Chief.

Oh my god it's happening. Oh my god think of the possible alone time with Emily. Wait that's a bad thing... right? Cause I need to not feel like this towards her so this is bad?

"Shit..." I mumble as I close my computer.



I don't think this is going to be as slow as a burn as I thought. Cause I'm lazy. Might just be long and full of smut cause I'm nasty <3

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